Texas History Unit 9 And 10 Question Preview (ID: 56556)

Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The practice of giving out limited amounts of food and supplies given to soldiers or civilians during war time:
a) prohibition
b) suffrage
c) rationing
d) internment

A period of economic decline characteristic by high unemployment, high prices, and a lack of economic production:
a) suffrage
b) prohibition
c) economic depression
d) internment

The buying and selling of stocks as shares in companies:
a) stock market
b) industrialization
c) rationing
d) internment

The right to vote:
a) petroleum
b) suffrage
c) rationing
d) internment

Those who advocate social reforms and legislative programs to improve society:
a) prohibition
b) suffrage
c) stock market
d) progressives

To ban something, like the movement to ban the manufacture, sale, transportation and use of alcoholic beverages:
a) suffrage
b) prohibition
c) stock market
d) economic depression

A thick, oily substance found deep in the Earth used as fuel:
a) petroleum
b) progressives
c) suffrage
d) rationing

The economic development of manufacturing products from natural resources:
a) rationing
b) internment
c) industrialization
d) progressives

An economic pattern characterized by periods of economic growth and periods of economic decline:
a) boom and bust cycle
b) petroleum
c) suffrage
d) rationing

This is confinement:
a) petroleum
b) internment
c) industrialization
d) economic depression

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