Science Review Question Preview (ID: 56537)

A General Review Of Fifth-grade Science. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

On a string of Christmas lights, one light bulb broke, but the remaining lights continued to work. These lights must have been in what type of circuit?
a) parallel
b) series
c) neither
d) both

The area around a magnet that attracts and repels certain metals is called a magnetic _______.
a) dome
b) pole
c) field
d) environment

The regions at opposite sides of magnets where magnetic force is strongest and that are either positively or negatively charged are called magnetic ________.
a) domes
b) poles
c) fields
d) environments

Electricity is generated through the flow of
a) protons
b) electrons
c) nuclei
d) lightning

A circuit must be ______ for electrical current to flow through it and make whatever it is nd
a) open
b) closed
c) split
d) fused

On a string of Christmas lights, one light bulb broke, so the entire string of lights went out. These lights must have been in what type of circuit?
a) parallel
b) series
c) neither
d) both

The mnemonic device Dear King Philip Came Over For Good Soup helps us remember the order of taxonomical groups. What does the K in King mean?
a) Kingdom
b) Kansas
c) Kinetic Energy
d) Kindergarten

Both plant and animal cells have ...
a) cell walls
b) cytoplasm
c) chloroplasts
d) all of the above

The nucleus of a plant or animal cell could best be compared to a...
a) heart
b) factory
c) conveyor belt
d) brain

In plant cells, chloroplasts convert energy from the sun into chemical energy, or food, for the cell. This process is called...
a) evaporation
b) metamorphosis
c) condensation
d) photosynthesis

Heavy winds blowing sand off the beach is an example of
a) weathering
b) erosion
c) deposition
d) none of these

Sand that has been blown down the beach hits tall sea grass in the air and falls in large piles forming dunes. This is an example of...
a) weathering
b) erosion
c) depostion
d) none of these

River rocks are tumbled along in rough waters causing them to crash into each other and break into smaller pieces. This is an example of...
a) weathering
b) erosion
c) deposition
d) none of these

The science of classifying living things is called...
a) radiology
b) seismology
c) taxonomy
d) math

The mnemonic device Dear King Philip Came Over For Good Soup helps us remember the order of taxonomical groups. What does the S for Soup mean?
a) science
b) spaghetti
c) slimy things
d) species

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