Middle Ages Review Question Preview (ID: 56530)

Answer The Questions About The Middle Ages. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What was the Bubonic Plague caused by?
a) venom in mosquitos
b) webs of spiders
c) creepiness of millipedes
d) bacteria in fleas

Who was the head of the church during the Middle Ages?
a) the king
b) the pope
c) the cardinals
d) the priests

What was the religion in Europe during the Middle Ages?
a) Greek Orthodox
b) Islam
c) Catholic
d) Judaism

What would the punishment be for lying during Medieval Times?
a) exiled to another country
b) forced to work on building and roads
c) shaming in the stocks
d) jail

What court would people go to for very serious crimes?
a) Manorial Court
b) Noble's Court
c) Lord's Court
d) King's Court

Who was the lowest in the social class pyramid in a Feudal society?
a) peasants and serfs
b) knights
c) nobles
d) merchants

Whose job was it to protect the people in a Feudal society?
a) nobles
b) the king
c) knights
d) serfs

What was the purpose of Feudalism?
a) to bring law and order back to Europe
b) to create an equal and fair government and society
c) to increase trade between Europe and North America
d) to exile those who weren't polytheistic

What were the holy wars called?
a) plague
b) Trojan War
c) Crusades
d) civil war

Who fought in the Crusades?
a) Christians and Hindus
b) Muslims and Buddhists
c) Confucianists and Taoists
d) Muslims and Christians

How did the plague travel so quickly?
a) It spread along the trade routes.
b) Owls carried diseased rats from place to place.
c) It was in the drinking water.
d) It was carried on pollen blowing in the wind.

What did people do to try to repel the plague?
a) keep clean living conditions and have good personal hygiene
b) live far apart from each other
c) take vitamins
d) smell posies

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