GLOBAL WARMING Question Preview (ID: 56525)

A Collection Of NYS Regents Questions Related To The Greenhouse Effect And Global Warming. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following actions would help to slow the current rate of global warming?
a) using paper, not plastic
b) using coal, not oil
c) walking, not driving
d) recycle glass, not plastic

Earth has experienced several warming and cooling events over milions of years. A cooling event is also called a(n)
a) El nino
b) interglacial period
c) ice age
d) monsoon

Which action has directly lead to a rapid increase in the rate of global warming?
a) changes to the coastlines due to rising sea levels
b) melting of polar ice caps
c) sustained use of fossil fuels
d) sustained use of alternative energy sources

Which of the following is a fossil fuel?
a) oil
b) coal
c) natural gas
d) all of these choices

The greenhouse effect has occurred as a natural process over millions of years because
a) the oceans have increased in salinity
b) carbon dioxide and water vapor have always been present in our atmosphere
c) the heat from the earth's interior has remained constant
d) the oceans have produced more water vapor over time

Which event is inferred by most scientists to be responsible for a climate change that has recently led to a decrease in the size of most glaciers?
a) a decrease in the rate of divergence of lithospheric plates along a mid-ocean ridge
b) a decrease in the amount of insolation reaching Earth's surface
c) an increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere
d) an increase in the amount of vegetative cover in the tropics

Why do greenhouse gases contribute to global warming?
a) They are found in varying amounts in Earth's atmosphere.
b) They are good absorbers of shortwave raditation.
c) They are good absorbers of infrared radiation.
d) They are good reflectors of shortwave radiation.

What is the main difference between shortwave and longwave radiation?
a) shortwave travels farther than longwave
b) shortwave travels faster than longwave
c) shortwave is visible light, longwave is infrared heat
d) shortwave is beneficial, longwave is harmful

Two of the greenhouse gases that may be responsible for the increased ice melting in Greenland are
a) nitrogen and oxygen
b) carbon dioxide and methane
c) oxygen and silicon
d) hydrogen and helium

Which type of radiation from Earth is the longwave radiation absorbed by greenhouse gases?
a) ultraviolet
b) visible light
c) radio waves
d) infrared

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