Excretory System Question Preview (ID: 56514)

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Which excretory organ is responsible for detoxifying bood?
a) kidney
b) lungs
c) skin
d) liver

What is the main function of the kidney
a) regulate temperature
b) produce bile
c) remove urea
d) making red blood cells

Which of the following is NOT an excretory organ
a) liver
b) skin
c) gall bladder
d) sweat gland

In humans, the immediate result of a blockage in one ureter would be to
a) stop the release of urine in the body
b) limit the ability to store urine
c) prevent filtration of the blood
d) decrease the amount of urine entering the bladder

A major function of the human urinary bladder is
a) storing urine until it's gone
b) filtering urine
c) releasing urine into the bloodstream
d) transforming urine into waste

In humans, the organ that most directly regulates the concentration of water in the blood is the
a) pancreas
b) heart
c) kidney
d) liver

Which sequence represents the correct pathway for the removal of urine from the human body?
a) kidney-ureter-urinary bladder-urethra
b) kidney-urethra-urinary bladder-ureter
c) ureter-kidney-urinary bladder-urethra
d) urethra-kidney-urinary bladder-ureter

in addition to water, the principal components of urine are
a) amino acids and fatty acids
b) amionia and bile
c) urea and salts
d) hydrochloric acid and bases

Which human excretory structure aids in the maintenance of normal body temperature
a) sweat gland
b) nephron
c) liver
d) urinary bladder

Kidney cells are known as
a) nephrons
b) axon
c) hepatocytes
d) squamous tissue

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