6th Grade Semester Review 1 Question Preview (ID: 56513)

Review For Semester Exam. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A country surrounded by land, never touches the ocean, and makes it hard to trade is . ..
a) landlocked
b) an island
c) really unfortunate
d) a constitutional monarchy

How do sunny nations like Australia and New Zealand encourage people to lessen skin cancer?
a) tell them to move to another country
b) tell them to wear hats and sunscreen
c) tell to wear thick clothing because it is cold
d) tell them to stop smoking

North Korea controls their economy, says what companies can make and sell, they have a
a) free enterprise economy
b) advanced economy
c) communist economy
d) theocratic economy

How do people in the Himalayan mountains use the mountains to make money?
a) they mine coal and diamonds
b) they farm on the side of the mountains
c) they create dams on the glaciers for hydroelectric energy
d) they provide tours to mountain climbers

China invented gunpowder, the compass, paper, and printing. Now everyone has it. This is an example of . ..
a) why China has a strong totalitarian government
b) how China has impacted other cultures
c) why China has NOT influenced any other country
d) why China has a weak government

Most people in Central Africa are Christians. Why?
a) because Muslim traders taught them Islam
b) because Europe had no influence on Africa at all!
c) because Sponge Bob told them to pray
d) because Europeans that colonized them brought taught them Christianity

Which one of these sounds like Chinese culture?
a) playing football, being Christian, and liking fast food restaurants
b) wearing t-shirts and jeans, eating pizza, and playing baseball
c) spaghetti pasta, bread, playing soccer, and using hieroglyphics
d) stir-fry food, pagodas, porcelain sculptures, and calligraphy

Which two are the main religions of China?
a) Daoism and Islam
b) Daoism and Confucianism
c) Christianity and Islam
d) Buddhism and Judaism

What country is an island, a continent, and is full of kangaroos and crocodiles?
a) Australia
b) New Zealand
c) Fiji
d) Japan

What country has the Himalaya Mountains, is near Pakistan, and most people are Hindus?
a) India
b) China
c) Russia
d) North Korea

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