Keeper N Me Question Preview (ID: 56508)

Review Of The Novel. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In this story, alcohol appears as:
a) a coping mechanism for trauma and loss
b) a launching point for action
c) the ruin for many characters
d) part of the traditional way of life

Garnets father was compared to a bear because
a) he was wounded and dangerous
b) he hibernated
c) he retreated from society
d) he was protective

The initial incident that caused the events of this story to unfold was:
a) being removed from the home by child welfare
b) Garnet being imprissioned
c) Garnets fathers death
d) meeting Keeper

Which event came first
a) playing hockey with his older brother
b) Garnet being presented with a ribbon shirt
c) the makeout radio incident
d) Garnet being presented with eagle feathers

The names of the books:
a) respresent locations
b) are written in english
c) represent teachings
d) represent main events

Keeper was purposely characterized to:
a) show humour
b) show flaws
c) show compassion
d) show fear of the unknown

What has allowed Indians to survive all the crap history threw their way?
a) booze
b) humour
c) tradition
d) racism

What do we learn about Keeper's history?
a) He was originally the drumkeeper for the whole community
b) He's Garnets grandpa
c) He's a heavy smoker
d) He was the local drunk

How did meeting Lonnie Flowers help Garnet face his identity?
a) Racism has affected the both of them, so now they sing the blues to relieve stress bringing joy and happy to him.
b) Lonnie was put in his situation before.
c) Because he's black.
d) He called Garnet out on his big BS stories

How did Garnet try and hide from being an Indian?
a) He pretended to be any other ethnicity while on the streets
b) He changed his name
c) He painted his face black
d) He was legally adopted by a black family

Why didn't Garnet want to be known as an Indian?
a) He was taught were always drunk and up to no good by a foster parent
b) He was embarrassed and was afraid.
c) He didn't want to be associated with his parents
d) He wants to be black

According to Garnet, what are some of the benefits of not having electricity?
a) Everybody's active
b) Nobody can see you naked
c) Everybody's safe
d) Family stays together

What does the word, Anishinabe mean in Ojibway?
a) Your mom
b) The Good People
c) The wise one
d) The people made of four

What does Keeper mean when he says, we're all tourists?
a) We are all exploring
b) We are all looking for a guide
c) We need people to help us through
d) We're not from around here

How are teachings passed down in Ojibway Culture?
a) They are told through storytellers
b) They are documented in their artifacts
c) They draw them
d) They are written in large books

What struggle for the Ojibway young people is created by the tourists?
a) They have nothing to hunt
b) They have less land
c) They're stuck in between 2 worlds
d) The tourists want Tim Hortons

The book often talks about stealing horses, this means:
a) taking parts of the wider society back to the reserve
b) taking livestock for economical development
c) protesting against the Canadian government
d) a declaration of war

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