4th Q CQE Review Bio-Ch 16 Question Preview (ID: 56504)

Ch 16 Questions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Human arm bones being similar in order and type to other creatures like whales is an example of
a) homologous structures
b) vestigial organs
c) Analogous structures
d) embryology

The study of embryos and how they develop that provides evidence of a common ancestor is called
a) vestigial organs
b) embryology
c) homologous structures
d) analogous structures

Darwin viewed the fossil record as
a) a detailed, visible record of evolution
b) interesting, but not important
c) evidence of use or disuse
d) a fun hobby

The theory that says that continents rest on moving plates that have changed location to produce different habitats throughout geologic time is called
a) on the origin of species
b) evolution
c) plate tectonics
d) macroevolutionary theory

A structure or organ that no longer has any use for an organism but provides evidence of a common ancestor is called
a) homologous organ/structure
b) vestigial organ/structure
c) analogous organ/structure
d) embryology

A mutation can
a) increase fitness
b) decrease fitness
c) be neutral
d) all of these choices

Darwin's theory of evolution was NOT influenced by
a) his trip on the HMS Beagle
b) his collection of specimans
c) the work of Malthus
d) his knowledge about DNA

The ability of an organism to survive and reproduce is called
a) adaptation
b) vestigial organ
c) fitness
d) variation

One adaptation that Darwin noted in the Galapagos was
a) the wing span of birds
b) the egg size of birds
c) the neck length of birds
d) The different beak shape of birds

The work of this(these) scientist(s) suggested that organisms change by use or disuse and that body structure changes by an organism's actions
a) Lamarck
b) Malthus
c) Hutton and Lyell
d) Einstein

The work of this(these) scientist(s) suggested to Darwin that organisms inherit traits from parents and change over time
a) Hutton and Lyell
b) Lamarck
c) Malthus
d) Einstein

The work of this(these) scientist(s) allowed Darwin to prove that factors limit population growth in all organisms, not just humans
a) Hutton and Lyell
b) Malthus
c) Lamarck
d) Einstein

The work of this(these) scientist(s) allowed Darwin to prove that the Earth was old enough for evolution to have occured
a) Hutton and Lyell
b) Lamarck
c) Malthus
d) Einstein

A pack of wolves attack a herd of deer. Some survive and escape, some die. Darwin would call this
a) survival of the fittest
b) pure luck
c) variation
d) descent with modification

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