Force And Motion Practice Test Question Preview (ID: 56496)

Force And Motion. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

An object is in motion if the distance does not change from the reference point.
a) true
b) False

You are riding a bike to Dairy Queen. You are in motion if the reference point is the ring on your finger.
a) true
b) False

Which one is a force?
a) pushing a rock.
b) pulling on a rubberband
c) hitting a baseball
d) all of these

Forces are measured in the units watts.
a) true
b) False

Which statement is true about balanced forces?
a) they are equal
b) they are in opposite directions
c) they do not change the motion
d) all of the above

Which statement is true about net foces?
a) net forces are some of the forces acting on an object.
b) if the forces are in the same direction you will subtract them.
c) if the forces are in the same direction you will add them.
d) If the forces are in the same direction you will divide them.

what is the net force of a balanced force?
a) 1 newton
b) 5 newtons
c) 10 newtons
d) zero newtons

Velocity is the speed and direction of an object.
a) true
b) False

Which one is a form of acceleration?
a) an object speeding up
b) an object slowing down
c) an object changing direction
d) all of the above

How many laws did Newton have?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

You throw a ball against a wall and it comes back to your hand is an example of which law?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3

Gravity is pushing down on my desk with 10 N, The desk is pushing up on my book with 10 N. This is an example of which law?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3

The bigger the force you put on an object the faster it will move is an example of which law?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3

Inertia means the motion does not want to change. Which one of Newton's laws is the law of inertia?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3

Which statement is FALSE about gravity?
a) Gravity is a contact force.
b) Gravity makes objects get closer together.
c) Gravity makes objects slow down.
d) All of these statements are false.

Which one could you do to increase friction?
a) Put the object on a more smooth surface
b) Add weight to the object
c) decrease the weight of the object

When you bowled in class what type of friction did you demonstrate?
a) Rolling
b) sliding
c) fluid
d) static

Which one is affected by gravity?
a) mass
b) weight
c) both mass and weight
d) neither mass or weight

Since all objects on Earth have mass then all objects on Earth are affected by gravity.
a) true
b) False

I am trying to push my car because I got a flat tire. As hard as I push the car will not move. Which statement is true?
a) This is an example of static friction.
b) This is an example of a balanced force.
c) The gravity pushing down on the car gives it a Ton of weight so I can not move it.
d) all of the above

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