Fruit #3 Question Preview (ID: 56427)

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When microwaving fruit, the type of fruit, its size, and its ripeness will affect cooking time. Strawberries with higher moisture content and berries being smaller will cook (quicker or slower) ?
a) quicker
b) slower
c) n/a
d) n/a

True or False: The desired texture of dried fruit in a finished food product may be soft and chewy or tender and plump. Cooking softens the fruit tissues.
a) true
b) false
c) n/a
d) n/a

Some fruits can be fried in a small amount of fat in a skillet. This is called ...
a) steaming
b) stir-fry
c) deep-fry
d) sauteeing

Before cooking or baking, some recipes will direct you to soak dried fruits in liquid. Soaking helps __ the moisture removed during the drying process.
a) restore
b) add sugar to
c) take away more of
d) all of the above

Apple slices dipped into a batter, deep-fried, and sprinkled with powder sugar are called
a) gooooood
b) fritters
c) apple on a stick
d) french apples

When cooking fruit in water you should use how much water?
a) a little
b) a lot
c) not at all
d) n/a

For a smoother fruit sauce you can always run your cooked fruit through a
a) i dont know
b) food mill
c) sieve
d) food mill and sieve

True or False: Apples, pears, and bananas are among the fruits that can be baked. Baked fruits should be tender, but they should keep their shape.
a) True
b) False
c) n/a
d) n/a

Bananas, grapefruit halves, and pineapple slices often are broiled. Sprinkle these fruits with brown sugar or drizzle them with honey before broiling. Fruits broil __ , so watch them carefully to prevent over cooking.
a) slowly
b) quickly
c) n/a
d) n/a

Ripe fruit requires (less or more) cooking time than firmer, underripe fruit.
a) less
b) more
c) n/a
d) n/a

True or False: Dried fruits are a more concentrated source of calories than fresh fruits.
a) true
b) false
c) n/a
d) n/a

When cooking fruits in syrup, use a two-to-one ratio of water to sugar. Too much sugar will cause the fruit to ...
a) become mushy
b) be just right
c) harden
d) fall apart

Use a ____ temperature and cook the fruit just until it is tender and translucent. Serve cooked fruit warm or chilled.
a) low
b) medium
c) medium-high
d) high

The intended use of the fruit will determine the cooking method. Fruits cooked in sugar syrup will retain their shape. Those cooked in water will or will not ?
a) will
b) will not
c) n/a
d) n/a

Overcooked fruits lose their colors, nutrients, natural flavors, shapes and become _____
a) hard
b) mushy
c) fresh again
d) replant-able

Baked, broiled, fried, or microwaved are ways to __ fruit.
a) store
b) plate
c) cook
d) garnish

Some fruits, like rhubarb, are cooked to make them more palatable (fit to be eaten)and easier to digest. Otherfruits,likepears,arecookedtogivevarietytoamenu. Cooking allows overripe fruits that are past prime eating quality to be used. For example,
a) bananas to banana muffins or bread
b) apples to applesauce
c) 1 and 2
d) neither 1 and 2

Banana's and peaches darken when exposed to air. This is called ...
a) enzymatic browning
b) palatable
c) pliable
d) good ole fashion fun

Wash the fruit carefully under clean running water and dry it with a clean towel. You should never let fruit do this. Your fruit will lose water-soluble nutrients and flavor.
a) touch the ground
b) soak in water
c) be juggled with
d) be eaten half way

Agree or Disagree: Dried fruits vary in moisture content. Therefore, to achieve the desired results, it is important to follow the recipe directions.
a) agree
b) disagree
c) n/a
d) n/a

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