Plot Developement Question Preview (ID: 56347)

We Are Going To Review The Skills Necessary For Successful Plot Developement. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Beginning of the story introduces:
a) Characters
b) Conflict
c) Setting
d) All of the above

What happens during the rising action portion of plot development?
a) The character tries to resolve a problem, but fails.
b) The characters are introduced.
c) We learn unimportant things about the characters.
d) Conflicts start to dissolve.

This is what the tip of the plot development mountain is called, where all the action comes to a point.
a) Clymactic
b) Cliffhanger
c) Climax
d) Turning point

What do we call the part of the plot development where the conflict is resolved and the story starts to slow down?
a) Lazy river
b) The slow flow
c) Freefall
d) Falling action

This occurs after the climax of the story and is located at the bottom of the mountain.
a) Revolution
b) Solution
c) Resolution
d) The End

In order, what are the steps of plot development?
a) Introduction, Rising action, Climax, Falling Action and Resolution
b) Climax, Introduction, Falling Action, Resolution and Rising action
c) Rising action, Climax, Introduction, Resolution and Falling Action
d) Falling action, Resolution, Climax, Introduction and Rising action

What do we call the section of plot development where the characters stories are developed?
a) The beginnning
b) Inclusion
c) Character development phase
d) Introduction

When a character resolves the conflict in a story it is during what phase?
a) Resolution
b) Climax
c) Falling action
d) Rising action

This section of plot development includes the events leading up to the main conflict.
a) Climax
b) Introduction
c) Rising action
d) Falling action

There are how many points on the way up plot mountain?
a) 7
b) 6
c) 5
d) 3

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