Biopsychology AP Exam Review Question Preview (ID: 56343)

Basic Biopsychology. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Subdivision of nervous system that branches from the spinal cord
a) peripheral nervous system (PNS)
b) central nervous system (CNS)
c) autonomic nervous system (ANS)
d) somatic nervous system (SNS)

The gap between neurons
a) soma
b) dendrite
c) synapse
d) axon

chemicals released by neurons which determine the rate at which other neurons fire
a) hormones

Part of the brain located near the base of the skull involved in basic life processes
a) midbrain
b) forebrain
c) hindbrain
d) cerebral cortex

part of the brain involved in arousal, integrating sensory information into a coherent experience, and relaying information upwardd
a) hindbrain
b) midbrain
c) forebrain
d) cerebral cortex

part of the brain that covers the core and is responsible for sensory and motor control and processing language and thought
a) hindbrain
b) midbrain
c) forebrain
d) cerebral cortex

machine used to record electrical activity of large portions of the brain
a) EKG
b) EEG
c) MRI
d) CT

Phineas Gage is an example of a ____ study
a) MRI
b) bloodwork
c) naturalistic observation
d) lesion

The system that uses chemicals to communicate throughout the body (not the ones solely in the brain)
a) nervous system
b) limbic system
c) endocrine system
d) mirror system

Part of the nervous system that controls voluntary movement of skeletal muscles
a) autonomic nervous system
b) peripheral nervous system
c) somatic nervous system
d) sympathetic nervous system

The master gland of the endocrine system
a) thyroid
b) adrenal
c) gonad
d) pituitary

The gland that impacts height
a) thyroid
b) adrenal
c) pituitary
d) gonad

The sex galnds
a) adrenal
b) pineal
c) gonads
d) thyroid

The gland that activates stress response and fight, flight,freeze
a) adrenal
b) pituitary
c) thyroid
d) pineal

The gland that influences sleep cycles
a) adrenal
b) thyroid
c) pineal
d) gonad

The part of the brain most involved in fear
a) frontal lobe
b) amygdala
c) thalamus
d) cerebellum

The part of the brain the encodes memory
a) hypothalamus
b) hippocampus
c) cognitive cortex
d) amygdala

The part of the brain that relays information to the sensory cortex
a) hypothalamus
b) thalamus
c) reticular activating system
d) temporal lobe

The division between the 2 hemispheres of the brain
a) synapse
b) fissure
c) corpus callossum
d) spinal chord

The axons that connect the left and right hemisphere of the brain and are located in the fissure
a) synaptic gap
b) mirror neurons
c) dendrite
d) corpus callossum

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