Developmental Psychology Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 56342)

Second Part Of Developmental Psychology Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

ceremonies that mark a transition to adulthood
a) graduations
b) initiation rites
c) rites of passage
d) maturation events

The desire of middle aged folks to contribute positively to future generations
a) stagnation
b) midlife crisis
c) integrity
d) generativity

A set of characteristics that society considers appropriate for a specific gender
a) gender role
b) gender stereotype
c) engendering
d) sexual harassment

The researcher who said that teen life is chaotic and stressful
a) Hall
b) Marcia
c) Rogers
d) Freud

A small, exclusive group of people within a larger group
a) gang
b) ethnic group
c) demographic
d) clique

According to Marcia, the stages of identity crisis in order, are
a) identity confusion, moratorium, foreclosure, identity acheivement
b) moratorium, foreclosure, identity confusion, identity acheivement
c) identity achievement, foreclosure, confusion, moratorium
d) moratorium, achievement, confusion, foreclosure

Who expanded upon Kohlberg's theory of adolescent identity crisis?
a) Marcia
b) Jung
c) Rogers
d) Freud

Common attitudes of adolescents include all of the following EXCEPT
a) decisiveness
b) finding fault with authority
c) argumentativeness
d) apparent hypocrisy

A possible outcomes of adolescents' new ability to perform hypothetical thinking
a) disconnection from family
b) idealized thinking
c) increased agression
d) better reading comprehension

The brain region associated with sexual orientation
a) hippocampus
b) hypothalamus
c) adrenal gland
d) pineal gland

A maladaptive middle-aged desire to recapture the past
a) stagnation
b) mid-life crisis
c) nostalgia
d) resentment

Decreased mental abilities in aged people who have partially blocked blood vessels in the brain
a) Alzheimers
b) dementia
c) amnesia
d) Parkinsons

A terminal disease of the elderly that is caused by plaque and auto-immune responses and causes difficulty thinking, remembering, and caring for oneself
a) Alzheimers
b) Parkinsons
c) Senile Dementia
d) Stroke

A type of care that focuses on making one comfortable at the end of their life. It does not try to cure them
a) epidemiology
b) geriatrics
c) hospice
d) thanatology

A disease of the nervous system that progresses and causes death of neurons
a) neurodegenerative
b) apoptosis
c) cancer
d) emphysema

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