History Final Review 2 Question Preview (ID: 56310)

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Which of the following statements is true about President Harry Truman’s Fair Deal?
a) The Fair Deal was an effort to fight racial inequality.
b) The Fair Deal was designed as a union-busting measure.
c) The Fair Deal set a minimum wage and expanded Social Security.
d) The Fair Deal paid tuition and housing loans for returning soldiers.

Why did the United States take a more active role in world politics after World War II?
a) New nationalist powers in South America and Australia threatened the United States.
b) The United States distrusted its allies and suspected that many of them were communists.
c) Countries such as Great Britain and France were no longer powerful enough to police the globe.
d) Countries such as Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union took an isolationist stance after World War II.

Why did the United States get involved in the Korean War?
a) The United States wanted to help Great Britain since it was its ally.
b) The North Korean army had directly threatened the United States.
c) The United States felt threatened by the rise of communism in China and Asia.
d) Communist North Korea had shown aggressive actions toward Japan and China.

Which of the following was a relief effort under the Hoover administration?
a) The federal government passed a wide-ranging stimulus bill that included funding for jobs programs.
b) Hoover urged banks to loosen their lending regulations to rescue farmers in need of assistance and loans
c) Hoover passed the Agricultural Adjustment Act to help regulate the depressed prices of crops and other goods
d) The federal government funded private relief efforts, such as the Red Cross, Salvation Army, and the YMCA.

What was the significance of the Tinker v. Des Moines Supreme Court decision?
a) It added new regulations for factories that polluted the water.
b) It outlawed segregation in schools under “separate but equal.”
c) It protected freedom of speech and expression for student protests.
d) It required that all defendants have the right to a government attorney.

Which of the following describes a successful domestic policy for Richard Nixon?
a) encouraging Americans to reduce their gasoline use during the oil crisis
b) ending “stagflation” through spending cuts and deregulation
c) creating OSHA to help set safety and health standards for workers
d) reducing federal funding to the Environmental Protection Agency

Which of the following describes the unique nature of Ford’s political career?
a) Ford had served in Congress before being appointed Nixon’s vice president.
b) Ford was the first president to take office after a sitting president resigned.
c) Ford was known in Washington as being honest.
d) Ford decided not to run for re-election in 1976.

What was the strategic advantage of invading France on D-Day?
a) It required Germany to fight a naval battle.
b) It hit the enemy at a weak point for Germany.
c) It caused Germany to lose key military leaders.
d) It created a war with multiple fronts for Germany.

How did the New Deal farm relief efforts lead to the creation of the Southern Tenant Farmers Union?
a) The union was designed to help all farmers improve their crop yields and productivity.
b) The union was founded because New Deal programs disproportionately helped large commercial farms.
c) The union was opposed to helping tenant farmers and sharecroppers, which were mostly African American.
d) The union’s efforts were focused on helping large commercial farms to compete in the global marketplace.

Which of the following statements is true about George H.W. Bush’s response to developments in the Middle East?
a) Iraq needed economic assistance, so President Bush formed a coalition of NATO and Middle Eastern countries to help.
b) Iraq’s aggression toward Saudi Arabia and Kuwait caused President Bush to take action to remove Saddam Hussein from power.
c) Iraq invaded Kuwait, so President Bush sent military troops to Kuwait as part of Operation Desert Storm.
d) Iraq’s actions in the Middle East prompted President Bush to establish a long-term military presence in the region

Who profited the most from industry during World War I?
a) business owners and corporations
b) laborer union members
c) the federal government
d) consumers

What did Franklin Roosevelt do when the Supreme Court struck down several key pieces of New Deal legislation?
a) Roosevelt accused the Supreme Court justices of malpractice and overreaching their authority.
b) Roosevelt successfully added more Supreme Court justices to the bench that supported his policies.
c) Roosevelt failed at a “court packing” plan but persuaded the Supreme Court justices to support his programs.
d) Roosevelt lobbied for certain justices to be replaced after they challenged New Deal legislation.

What was the goal of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
a) to give African Americans and women the right to vote
b) to outlaw sharecropping and unfair treatment in the south
c) to build and fund infrastructure and business improvement
d) to prohibit segregation in schools, employment, and public spaces

How were the goals of Marcus Garvey and Stokely Carmichael different?
a) Garvey’s goals were religious, while Carmichael’s goals were secular.
b) Garvey supported cultural pride, while Carmichael argued for separatism.
c) Garvey focused on protecting the streets, while Carmichael fought against segregation.
d) Garvey argued for unconventional methods of protest, while Carmichael believed in nonviolent protest.

What was the connection between Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” speech and his lend-lease program?
a) Roosevelt believed the Four Freedoms of democracy justified the decrease of armament production he proposed.
b) The Four Freedoms include the lend-lease program as a way to win the war.
c) Roosevelt believed the U.S. needed to get involved in the war in order to protect the Four Freedoms.
d) The Four Freedoms are the steps of the lend-lease program.

Which piece of legislation passed by President Roosevelt was designed to regulate banking and investment and protect consumers?
a) the Glass-Steagall Act
b) the Interstate Commerce Act
c) the Federal Emergency Relief Act
d) the Civilian Conservation Corps

Which piece of New Deal legislation established a federal minimum wage, set a 40-hour work week, and prohibited child labor for those younger than 16?
a) Fair Labor Standards Act
b) Agricultural Adjustment Act
c) Works Progress Administration
d) Emergency Relief Appropriation Act

How did the Reagan administration contribute to the end of the Cold War?
a) by letting the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties expire
b) by taking a position of peace through strength
c) by formulating the Strategic Defense Initiative
d) by meeting with Gorbachev to reduce armaments

Which of the following statements best describes the Hoover administration’s initial response to the Great Depression?
a) Hoover created new jobs programs to put Americans back to work.
b) Hoover used radio addresses to share sympathy, updates, and ideas.
c) Hoover worked with Congress to pass a tax cut for American workers.
d) Hoover funded direct federal aid for workers, businesses, and agriculture.

How did the transatlantic flight by Charles Lindbergh affect American aviation?
a) It persuaded Americans to travel more often and learn more about the cultures of other countries.
b) It led to the discovery of an island in the Atlantic Ocean.
c) It proved that commercial air travel was not as safe as most Americans previously thought.
d) It increased public interest and confidence in the possibility of safe and fast commercial air travel.

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