Citizenship And Civil Rights Copy 1 Question Preview (ID: 56306)

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Complete the following...The Indian Education Act of 1972 was designed to combat the cycle of ______________ by ______________.
a) poverty; issuing financial assistance to local educational agencies
b) racism; introducing a Native American curriculum into schools
c) alcoholism; providing monetary grants to State substance abuse centers
d) joblessness; placing job-training experts on Native American reservations

In Hernandez v. Texas, the Supreme Court's decision
a) opened the door to extend equal protection to racial and ethnic groups.
b) directly led to gays and lesbians serving in the armed forces.
c) narrowly defined the 14th Amendment for future cases.
d) ended the segregation of public recreational facilities by race.

The efforts of Martin Luther King, Jr., and his fellow civil rights workers resulted in
a) great political change, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
b) the creation of a multiracial American society.
c) little change for African Americans.
d) a break in historical continuity that began in the years after the Civil War.

Which law ended the country-based quota system that had originally been established by the National Origins Act of 1929?
a) Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952
b) Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
c) Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
d) Immigration Act of 1990

In Hernandez v. Texas, the Supreme Court's decision
a) opened the door to extend equal protection to racial and ethnic groups.
b) directly led to gays and lesbians serving in the armed forces.
c) narrowly defined the 14th Amendment for future cases.
d) ended the segregation of public recreational facilities by race.

The decision in Reed v. Reed, which held that States may not choose the executor of an estate based solely on gender, was important in that it
a) was the beginning of a series of decisions that marked a shift in how the Court looks at sex discrimination.
b) was intended to protect women as the weaker sex.
c) challenged the assumption that women are always legally the head of a household.
d) allowed women to sue for custody over property in other situations, such as divorce.

Affirmative action programs primarily seek to
a) remedy the effects of past discrimination.
b) prevent the causes of discrimination today.
c) balance inequalities that occur in collegiate-level sports.
d) correct errors in the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968.

In Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, the Supreme Court held that
a) race could be used as one of many factors in considering academic admissions.
b) affirmative action was protected by the Equal Protection Clause.
c) quotas were legal in certain industries as a remedy for past discrimination.
d) it was constitutional for race to be the only factor in affirmative action decisions.

Regarding affirmative action programs, the Supreme Court has held through its decisions that
a) they must undergo strict scrutiny.
b) racial quotas are not subject to the rational basis test.
c) race must be considered when assigning students to public schools.
d) all such programs should be eliminated from public agencies.

Which of the following says that the Federal Government may not draw unreasonable distinctions between any classes of people?
a) the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment
b) the rational basis test
c) the strict scrutiny test
d) the Due Process Clause of the 5th Amendment

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