China Question Preview (ID: 56267)

China. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following was not a barrier in China
a) Great Wall
b) Earthquakes
c) Deserts
d) Oceans

Which of the following Dynasties might not have existed?
a) Xia
b) Shang
c) Zhou
d) Han

What did the Shang dynasty start worshipping?
a) your mom
b) gods
c) Ancestors and the Emperor
d) Allah

Who taught that the government would be better if people lived honest moral lives?
a) Laozi
b) Shi Huangdi
c) Confucious
d) Zhou

According to Confucius what was the most important relationship?
a) Between daughter and mother
b) Wives and husbands
c) Government and Citizen
d) Father and son

What did Confucius want every citizen to do before they ran for government?
a) Take a test
b) Run an election
c) Start a civil war
d) Get a Tik Tok account

Which of the following is not something Shi Huangdi created?
a) Great Wall of China
b) Terra Cotta soldiers
c) China's first dam

What belief system said china needed strict laws?
a) Legalism
b) Confuciounism
c) Daoism

Which Dynasty is China named after?
a) Shang
b) Qin
c) Zhou
d) Xia

What belief system did Shi Huagdi believe in?
a) Confuciounism
b) Legalism
c) Daoism

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