Book 3 Diagraphs And Blends Question Preview (ID: 56254)

One-syllable Words With Short Syllable And Digraphs. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A lot of dirt.
a) filth
b) hunch
c) strict
d) brunch

A very long hole.
a) trench
b) tempt
c) throb
d) thrash

To get 100% wet.
a) drench
b) clinch
c) French
d) brunch

How you spell this -- 6th.
a) sixth
b) sith
c) sixt
d) sixh

He takes gifts from kids.
a) grinch
b) clinch
c) clench
d) inch

What you do do get a person wet.
a) splash
b) winch
c) punch
d) thrash

To cut in to small long strips.
a) shred
b) split
c) midst
d) clench

What you do with your fists.
a) clench
b) trench
c) drench
d) mulch

To run fast around a track.
a) sprint
b) strut
c) thrash
d) tempt

This is what your leg does when you hit it.
a) throb
b) thrash
c) hunch
d) strand

What you do to your back.
a) hunch
b) clinch
c) bench
d) crunch

What you do when you drink a pop.
a) belch
b) winch
c) bench
d) strand

Where you sit.
a) a bench
b) a Welsh
c) a brunch
d) a midst

A bad smell
a) stench
b) shrug
c) scram
d) pinch

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