Bible Review Question Preview (ID: 56239)

The Birth Of Christ Through Paul's Journey To Rome. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who requested John the Baptist's head on a platter?
a) the king
b) Herodias
c) Herodias's daughter
d) Jairus

Which parable meant the kingdom of heaven would start small and grow big?
a) The Parable of the Mustard Seed
b) The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
c) The Prodigal Son
d) The Parable of the Sower and the Seed

What is the unforgivable sin?
a) breaking the 10 commandments
b) blaspheming the Holy Spirit
c) worshipping an idol
d) hating Jesus

Which of these were not one of the 12 disciples?
a) Bartholomew
b) Paul
c) John
d) Luke

What was Jesus's first miracle?
a) Feeding the 5,000
b) Raising Lazarus from the dead
c) Healing the leper
d) Water into wine

How long did Satan tempt Jesus in the wilderness?
a) 40 days
b) 40 years
c) 40 months
d) 40 hours

To where did Joseph flee to protect his family from Herod?
a) Bethlehem
b) Nazareth
c) Egypt
d) Judea

The angel visited who (in the 'holy of holies') to tell them of a son to come?
a) Mary
b) Zacharias
c) Gabriel
d) Elizabeth

Which people were described as the blind leading the blind?
a) The Pharisees
b) The tax collectors
c) The blind man that Jesus healed
d) The disciples

How many more disciples were chosen (after the 12) to go out and spread the Gospel?
a) 48
b) 12
c) 72
d) 70

What was the angel's name that visited Mary?
a) Gabriel
b) Michael the Archangel
c) Clarence
d) Jesus

Which disciple rebuked Jesus?
a) Luke
b) Peter
c) Paul
d) John

Who referred to themselves as the disciple Jesus loved?
a) Luke
b) Peter
c) Paul
d) John

Who delivered Jesus over to be crucified?
a) The Jews
b) The Disciples
c) Pontius Pilate
d) King Herod

What lesson did Jesus teach with the parable of the wise and foolish bridesmaids?
a) Preach the Gospel to the nations
b) Love others as you would have them love you
c) Always be ready for the Lord's return; He will come when we don't expect
d) Believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.

Finish this statement from Jesus: The poor you will always have with you...
a) so give generously and love the poor.
b) so no need to give to them because they'll just want more.
c) but you will not always have me.
d) but where I'm going, you can not come.

Who could not give up his wealth to follow Jesus
a) The rich young ruler
b) The Pharisees
c) The tax collectors
d) The master with many servants

Where did Jesus go to pray before he was arrested?
a) The Mount of Olives
b) Bethsaida
c) Golgotha
d) The Garden of Gethsemene

After Jesus rose, which disciple did not believe it?
a) Bartholomew
b) Thomas
c) Judas
d) Peter

Where did Jesus reveal himself to Saul?
a) The road to Emmaus
b) The road to Jerusalem
c) The road to Damascus
d) The road to Bethlehem

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