Colonial Regions Question Preview (ID: 562)

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A mix of thriving cities, and successful farms. Philadelphia was one of the most important cities in colonial America.
a) Mid Atlantic Colonies
b) Southern Colonies
c) All Thirteen Colonies
d) New England Colonies

Most of the early settlers lived in towns and villages around the excellent harbors, and many carried onsome kind of trade or business. Small farms surrounded the towns, but the rocky, thin soil made it difficult to make a living from farming.
a) Mid Atlantic Colonies
b) Southern Colonies
c) All Thirteen Colonies
d) New England Colonies

Rivers provided transportation for agricultural products being shipped to England. Cash crops brought large profits and often were traded for manufactred goods.
a) Mid Atlantic Colonies
b) Southern Colonies
c) All Thirteen Colonies
d) New England Colonies

These colonies had a diverse population, including Quakers, Scots-Irish, Germans, Dutch, Swedes, and immigrants from many other European countries.
a) Mid Atlantic Colonies
b) Southern Colonies
c) All Thirteen Colonies
d) New England Colonies

A warm climate, long growing season and fertile lands produced rich crops of cotton, tobacco, rice and indigo.
a) Mid Atlantic Colonies
b) Southern Colonies
c) All Thirteen Colonies
d) New England Colonies

Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, New Jersey
a) Mid Atlantic Colonies
b) Southern Colonies
c) -
d) New England Colonies

Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
a) Mid Atlantic Colonies
b) Southern Colonies
c) -
d) New England Colonies

Fertile, rich land and good rainfall made for excellent farming; wheat, oats and barley were grown in such quantity that these states were called
a) Mid Atlantic Colonies
b) Southern Colonies
c) New England Colonies
d) -

Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island
a) Mid Atlantic Colonies
b) Southern Colonies
c) New England Colonies
d) -

Society here was more tolerant than elsewhere and accepted a mix of people, languages, religions and cultures.
a) Mid Atlantic Colonies
b) Southern Colonies
c) New England Colonies

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