Phys Question Preview (ID: 56172)

Earth/Phys. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

According to Newton's 3rd law(action/reaction) the objects must
a) not come into contact with each other
b) come into contact with each other (need to touch)
c) slide past each other
d) unbalance the other object

Compared to other stars, the Sun is __________ in size, brightness and temperature
a) less
b) more
c) none of these
d) average

A ball on the ground is said an example of balanced forces because
a) the ball is pushing down with a large force as the ground is pushing back onto the ball
b) the ball is pushing down with the same force as the ground is pushing back onto the ball
c) the ball is pushing down with a smaller force as the ground is pushing back onto the ball
d) the ground is pushing down with a larger force as the ball is pushing back onto the ball

The different seasons on Earth are caused by
a) Earth spinning on its axis
b) Earth's global warming process
c) the tilted axis of Earth and its revolution around the Sun
d) none of the above

The car is moving to the right with 12 N of force and friction is applying 8N of force to the left, the car will
a) move to the right with 4N of force
b) move to the left with 4N of force
c) move to the right with 20N of force
d) move to the left with 20N of force

Objects that are ____ will have potential energy
a) decelerating
b) accelerating
c) moving
d) still

The higher a still object is off the ground the more ____ energy it has and the ____ kinetic energy it has
a) potential, less
b) Kinetic, less
c) potential, more
d) potential, equal

Which of the following correctly lists the order of the waxing moon phases
a) new moon, waxing crescent, 1st quarter, waxing gibbous
b) full moon, waxing crescent, 1st quarter, waxing gibbous
c) new moon, waxing crescent, 3rd quarter, waxing gibbous
d) new moon, waning crescent, 1st quarter, waning gibbous

All moon phases, except for new and full moon, will last for
a) 1 day
b) 2 days
c) 4 days
d) 7 days

Kinetic energy is in any object that is moving. Where will an object on a hill have the greatest kinetic energy
a) at the top of the hill
b) at the middle of the hill
c) at the bottom of the hill
d) none of these

If the Earth's titled axis straightened itself out, which would one below would most likely occur
a) there be an equal amount of day and night causing the season to be like fall or spring
b) nothing since the tilted axis does not affect anything on earth
c) more tsunamis would occur

7 days after a new moon would be which moon phase below
a) full moon
b) waning cresecent
c) waxing crescent
d) 1st quarter

The moon phase that is behind Earth and appears all illuminated (white) is a
a) new moon
b) full moon
c) waning gibbous
d) 1st quarter

What would occur after a full moon
a) waning gibbous, third quarter, waning crescent
b) waning gibbous, first quarter, waning crescent
c) new moon, waning gibbous
d) waxing gibbous, new, waning crescent

How does the Earth orbit around the sun
a) magnetic attraction between Earth and the sun
b) potential energy stored in earth
c) gravitational attraction between earth and the sun
d) eletromagentic energy

A mid ocean ridge and a rift valley are created at a divergent boundary, which one below is correct
a) divergent boundary means the plates divided or pulled apart
b) divergent boundary means the plates collided into each other
c) divergent boundary means the plates slid past each other in opposite direction

A convection current is when the air/water is heated and rises upward and once it cools it begins to sink downwards. Where does the energy come from to create this
a) inner core
b) mantle
c) global warming
d) Sun

Omnivores will compete for food with
a) carnivores and producers
b) herbivores and carnivores
c) producers and decomposers
d) decomposers and herbivores

Primary succession differs from secondary succession by
a) primary succession starts after a fire or natural disaster
b) primary succession there is soil while secondary succession has no soil
c) primary succession is quicker
d) primary succession there is no soil while secondary succession has soil already

Where are instructions for traits stored? ex: hair color
a) on genes within chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell
b) on the cell membrane
c) in the mitochondria of a cell
d) in the cytoplasm of a cell

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