Multi-Digit Multiplication Question Preview (ID: 56139)

Multi-digit Multiplication Practice. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Vickie made 2 pans of brownies. She cut each pan into 24 brownies. How many brownies did Vickie have total?
a) 48
b) 26
c) 46
d) 28

A pet store has 9 tanks of fish. There are 18 fish in each tank. How many fish does the store have in all?
a) 9
b) 27
c) 162
d) 92

A restaurant purchased 5 boxes of ketchup packets. Each box contained 30 packets of ketchup. How many total ketchup packets were ordered?
a) 35
b) 135
c) 150
d) 25

241 x 4= ?
a) 964
b) 824
c) 924
d) 864

a) 2,800
b) 2,910
c) 3,010
d) 2,917

a) 30,615
b) 25,615
c) 11,678
d) 30,501

Brooke worked as a newspaper writer for 3 days last year. She wrote an average of 303 words each day. How many words did Brooke write total?
a) 306
b) 909
c) 939
d) 636

A school ordered 3 boxes of paper. There were 110 sheets of paper in each box. How many sheets of paper did the school order in all?
a) 113
b) 333
c) 330
d) 140

A jewelry collector bought 3 opal pendants for her collection. Each pendant cost $3,133. How much did the collector spend?
a) $6,366
b) $9,199
c) $9,396
d) $9,399

A city wants to replace 7 streetlights. How many new streetlights will the city need for 372 blocks?
a) 2,604
b) 3,004
c) 2,744
d) 2,631

a) 1500
b) 15000
c) 1200
d) 150

a) 2,000
b) 200,000
c) 900
d) 20,000

a) 100
b) 100,000
c) 10,000
d) 1

a) 1600
b) 16000
c) 1800
d) 18000

a) 5400
b) 630
c) 54000
d) 6300

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