FSA Test Words #1 Question Preview (ID: 56138)

Review Of Key Terms For FSA Reading Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Central Idea
a) Sums up text source in one sentence.
b) The information that surrounds a new word in order to understand its meaning.
c) Points how the similarities and differences between two or more subjects.
d) Firsthand information. It is the original and uninterpreted information.

Context Clues
a) Points how the similarities and differences between two or more subjects.
b) The information that surrounds a new word in order to understand its meaning.
c) Information that has been gathered and interpreted.
d) Sequence of events

Author's Purpose
a) Lessons learned
b) How does the story make Me feel?
c) Why does the author sit down to write the text source?
d) The beginning of a story about the events, settings, and characters

Compare (Same) / Contrast (Different)
a) Information that has been gathered and interpreted.
b) Sequence of events
c) Background circumstances that together create turns and twists
d) Points how the similarities and differences between two or more subjects.

Author's Point of View
a) The position which an author takes.
b) The information that surrounds a new word in order to understand its meaning
c) Firsthand information
d) Sums up whole article in one sentence

Primary Source
a) Firsthand information. It is the original and uninterpreted information.
b) Information that has been gathered and interpreted.
c) “Putting two and two together”
d) Lessons learned

Secondary Source
a) It is the original and uninterpreted information.
b) Information that has been gathered and interpreted.
c) Sequence of events
d) Place and time of a story

Draw Conclusions
a) Conflict
b) A comparison
c) Combining all stated and implied evidence/ideas into a claim.
d) Problem

a) The conclusion
b) The beginning of a story with all the problems.
c) Combining all stated and implied evidence/ideas into a claim.
d) The time and place of a story

a) An exaggeration that is used for emphasis
b) The sequence of events in a story
c) The time and place of a story
d) The end of the story

a) The BIG lesson learned in a story
b) Repetition
c) A comparison
d) The characters in the story.

a) How the author feels about a story
b) How the reader feels about a story
c) The events in a story
d) The characters in a story

a) The events in a story
b) The characters in a story
c) How the author feels about a story
d) How a reader feels about a story.

a) Problems in a story
b) The solutions to a story
c) The turning point in a story
d) Background information in a story

Rising Action
a) The time and place of a story
b) The turning point of a story
c) The start of problems in a story
d) Original and uninterpreted information in a story

a) The beginning of a story
b) The turning point of the story
c) The final resolution of the problems in a story
d) The end of the story

Falling Action
a) The turning point of the story
b) The final end of the story
c) The problems in the story
d) Events after the story's climax that resolves the story's problems and lead toward a resolution.

a) The turning point in the story
b) The problems in the story
c) The final conclusion of the story.
d) The background information of the story

a) The time of a story
b) The turning point in the story
c) Points how the similarities and differences between two or more subjects.
d) The problems and obstacles characters face in a story

a) A comparison using like or as
b) A comparison without using like or as
c) Similarities and differences between two or more subjects.
d) A weird coincidence or when something happens different from what you expect.

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