Elements, Molecules, And Compounds Question Preview (ID: 56133)

Identification Of Elements, Molecules And Compounds. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A pure substance that cannot be broken down into anything else is a?
a) molecule
b) compound
c) element
d) single item

2 or more atoms chemically bonded together is a?
a) element
b) conjoined atoms
c) molecule
d) proton

2 or more atoms of different elements chemically bonded together is a?
a) molecule
b) compound
c) element
d) both a molecule and compound

H2O is a?
a) pure element
b) compound molecule
c) molecule of a pure element
d) molecular puzzle

O3 (Ozone) is a?
a) molecule
b) compound
c) pure element
d) both a pure element and a molecule

A compound can be chemically broken down into another substance
a) True
b) False

The atomic number is the number of ?
a) atoms
b) protons
c) neutrons
d) electrons

The protons plus the neutrons equals the?
a) atomic number
b) nucleus number
c) atomic weight/mass
d) atomic symbol

The elements on the Periodic Table are arranged according to?
a) atomic number
b) atomic mass
c) electron number
d) alphabetically

CO2 is made up of 2 elements, Carbon and Oxygen. It is a?
a) pure element
b) molecule of a pure element
c) compound
d) single atom

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