Analogies Question Preview (ID: 56129)

Analogies. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Neighborhood is to town as state is to _______.
a) country
b) city
c) continent
d) region

Black is to white as up is to _____.
a) red
b) down
c) rise
d) upset

Quarter is to coin as pants are to _____.
a) money
b) jeans
c) clothes
d) zippers

Artist is to paintings as baker is to ______.
a) sculptures
b) sugar
c) cakes
d) baking

Car is to drive as tractor is to _______.
a) lift
b) plant
c) mow
d) plow

Go is to stop as sit is to ______.
a) dance
b) proceed
c) up
d) stand

Empty is to hollow as big is to ______.
a) miniscule
b) huge
c) grow
d) full

Break is to brake as sell is to ______.
a) cell
b) seal
c) buy
d) store

Cap is to hat as sofa is to ________.
a) furniture
b) helmet
c) couch
d) chair

Sea is to see as son is to ______.
a) daughter
b) moon
c) boy
d) sun

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