Minerals Question Preview (ID: 56127)

Defining And Identifying Minerals. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A mineral is a naturally occurring ___________.
a) solid
b) liquid
c) gas
d) rock

All minerals are inorganic which means they are NOT formed from _____________________.
a) sand and rock
b) living things or the remains of living things
c) atoms and molecules
d) fossils

Minerals like silicon make up a large part of this outermost layer of the Earth.
a) outer core
b) inner core
c) mantle
d) crust

Minerals can't be identified by _______________ alone since some like quartz can be purple, yellow, pink, brown, black, or white.
a) fluorite
b) stickiness
c) color
d) odor

____________ is the color of the powder left by a mineral.
a) Streak
b) Hardness
c) Quartz
d) Mohs' scale

The way a mineral's surface reflects light is called _____________.
a) shininess
b) luster
c) glossiness
d) metallic

This describes the resistance of a mineral to being scratched.
a) streak
b) color
c) luster
d) hardness

The ___________ ranks minerals in hardness from 1 to 10 with talc being the softest at 1 and diamonds being the hardest at 10.
a) Mineral Hardness Scale
b) Mohs' Scale
c) Bristol Stool Scale
d) Baxter Animated Retching Faces (BARF) Scale

Another way to identify minerals is if they are ___________ or attracted to a magnet.
a) repelled
b) dense
c) magnetic
d) acidic

When identifying a mineral using the mineral acid test, if the surface of a mineral ______ when a drop of weak acid is dropped on it, it contains calcium carbonate.
a) explodes
b) turns gray
c) fizzes
d) turns shiny

All minerals are made up of __________ which are solid materials in which the atoms are arranged in regular, repeated pattern.
a) isometrics
b) a tetragonal system
c) crystals
d) an external shape

This is the tendency of minerals to split along smooth, flat surfaces called planes.
a) decolletage
b) cleavage
c) monoclinic
d) concoidal

This is when a mineral breaks into pieces with uneven surfaces.
a) fracture
b) crack
c) rupture
d) dismember

When magma cools slowly underground, large mineral crystals grow together to form a rock . This process is called _________.
a) precipitation
b) depreciation
c) crytallization
d) magmazation

A valuable natural resource called an ______ is a rocky material that is mined because it contains useful metals or nonmetals.
a) bore
b) core
c) ore
d) sore

Some minerals called precious or semi-precious ________are valuable when cut and polished and used in jewelry.
a) rings
b) pendants
c) gemstones
d) crystals

Some minerals like _______ are needed by the body for strong bones and teeth.
a) quartz
b) mica
c) calcium
d) graphite

All matter is made up of ________.
a) density
b) crystals
c) precipitation
d) atoms

Minerals can sometimes be identified by _______ which are characteristics that can be observed or measured.
a) acids
b) physical properties
c) molecules
d) atoms

Some minerals are formed by this process in which a liquid changes to a gas.
a) evaporation
b) lava
c) crystallization
d) precipitation

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