Digital QA And Artifact Test Review: #4 Question Preview (ID: 56126)

Image Artifacts. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The technologist should clean the CRT:
a) weekly
b) montly
c) yearly
d) this is not a required system inspection activity

Weekly technologist (or QC tech) responsibilities should include:
a) inspecting the hinges and latches of CR cassettes
b) ensuring IPs are clean
c) ensuring CR cassettes are erased
d) all of these

Service personnel should fix broken hinges of a cassette.
a) True
b) False, it should be disposed of
c) False, anyone can fix it

Dirt/ dust or fingerprints on the laser printer could:
a) be mistaken for pathology
b) could lead to a false positive diagnosis
c) can interfere with image quality
d) all of these

If artifacts are detected by the technologist, he or she should:
a) ignore it
b) get to it when convenient
c) report it immediatly
d) just wait and see if it happens again

Cracks in the IP of a CR cassette:
a) will not affect the image
b) can appear as areas of lucency on the image
c) can lead to a grainy, noisy image
d) will look like double exposed images

It is acceptable to place more than one image on one CR plate.
a) True
b) False, as this can complicate the processing procedure

What causes the 'halo' effect in digital imaging ?
a) too much edge enhancement
b) using a low frequency grid
c) using a high frequency grid
d) low mA

Which of the following areas can be associated with artifacts ?
a) imaging plate
b) CR plate reader
c) image printer
d) all of these

The halo effect is often noticed:
a) with low frequency grids
b) with low mA imaging
c) with prosthetic devices
d) when a cassette is used backwards

Which of the following can lead to image artifacts ?
a) using a cassette backwards
b) tape
c) kinks/ bends in an IP
d) all of these

Using too low of mA settings results in:
a) acceptable images due to post-processing functions
b) noisy images
c) artifact lines
d) poor contrast

How does the Moire pattern occur ?
a) only in DR imaging
b) in CR imaging, when the grid frequency and scan frequency are similar
c) in CR imaging, when the grid frequency and scan frequency are perpendicular to each other
d) it is a post-processing issue, but can be fixed without re-exposing the patient

Incorrect IP erasure
a) will not affect the image
b) is impossible
c) can lead to phantom images
d) can lead to blurry images

Dirt / dust within the CR reader can:
a) cause horizontal white lines
b) cause dark lines
c) cause wavy lines
d) will not affec the image

If a cassette is placed too close to a heat source
a) it will not be affected
b) it will have a dark, blurry area
c) it will have a bright, linear area
d) it will have sharp thick lines

Grids are needed in digital imaging
a) as digital is affected by scatter
b) grids are actually NOT needed as much with digital imaging
c) because there is no issue of grid cut off
d) all of these

The intermittent appearance of extraneous line patterns can be caused by problems in the electronics of the plate reader.
a) True
b) False

Severe alterations of image contrast can be from:
a) malfunction of CR rollers within reader
b) low mA
c) post processing errors
d) grid lines matching laser scanning pattern

Improper algorithm recognition can be from:
a) diagonal collimation
b) lead aprons in light field
c) two exposures on one IP
d) all of these

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