6.LS.4 Biotic/abiotic Components That Are Beneficial/detrimental Question Preview (ID: 56125)

6th Grade Life Science Standard 4. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Biomes are determined by.....
a) location
b) precipitation and temperature
c) scientists
d) latitude

Which of the following is a biotic factor in a biome?
a) good soil
b) rainfall
c) mosses and algae
d) temperature

What change Would be detrimental (bad) to a habitat or biome?
a) a severe drought (lack of water) followed by a forest fire
b) increasing the nutrients in the soil
c) a balance of predators and prey
d) enough rainfall

Limiting factors determine an areas carrying capacity (how many animals are there) because......
a) ecosystems are very small
b) the number of animals is unlimited
c) the animals need resources to survive
d) animals are limited

The most biologically diverse biome is...
a) swamp
b) tropical rainforest
c) tundra
d) temperate deciduous forest

Which of the following statements is true about the savannah?
a) during the wet season, the savannah receives little to no rain
b) savannahs have many large herbivores
c) savannahs have steep mountain ranges
d) savannahs are rainy year round

What is another name for a plant?
a) prey
b) predator
c) producer
d) consumers

When is food a limiting factor?
a) when the population is too large
b) when there's too much food
c) when the population is small
d) when there's too much water

Two members of the same species fight over who gets a certain food. Members of different species trying to take over a nesting area. These are examples of....?
a) community
b) competition
c) mutualism
d) commensalism

After one species disappears, the other species in the ecosystem.....?
a) benefit
b) are thrown out of balance
c) die
d) are affected

Rocks, temperature and water are what part of the environment?
a) biotic
b) abiotic
c) populations
d) living

The word detrimental means......?
a) good for the environment
b) bad for the environment
c) indifferent to the environment
d) mentally unstable

What is something that could threaten (hurt) a biome?
a) normal sunlight
b) adequate rainfall
c) drought
d) proper temperatures

The biome that we live in is the...
a) temperate deciduous forest
b) tropical rainforest
c) taiga
d) desert

What biome has enough rain to keep it from becoming a desert but not enough to grow big trees?
a) taiga
b) rainforest
c) temperate deciduous forest
d) grassland

What does habitat destruction do to native animals?
a) eliminates or reduces their food sources
b) eliminates home and cover
c) sometimes eliminates water sources
d) all of the choices listed

Which of the following abiotic factors are vital to survival of living organisms?
a) water
b) rocks
c) grass
d) rabbits

What biotic factor is important for animals to survive?
a) grass
b) water
c) rocks
d) sunlight

What happens to a population, such as deer, that is in a place where there is not a natural predator? Think about St Matthew's island.
a) the population increases
b) the population decreases
c) the population increases until it can't be supported and then dies off
d) everything dies

Why does Australia have a rabbit population problem?
a) they have no native predator in Australia
b) not enough people hunted them
c) they don't like the outback
d) they reproduce really fast

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