Creating A Nation Question Preview (ID: 56115)

In This Unit, Students Learned About A Failed Plan Of The American Government, And The Plan That Replaced It. Additionally, Students Learned Of The First Five Presidents Of The United States. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What was the name of the first constitution of the United States?
a) Articles of Confederation
b) Proclamation of 1763
c) Declaration of Independence
d) United States Constitution

What famous event took place in Philadelphia in 1787?
a) Second Continental Congress
b) Treaty of Paris
c) Constitutional Convention
d) First Continental Congress

What was the name of the compromise that created the United States Senate and the House of Representatives?
a) The First Continental Compromise
b) The Great Compromise
c) The Second Continental Compromise
d) The 3/5ths Compromise

What was the compromise between the north and south over the issue of counting slaves as part of a state population?
a) The 2/5ths Compromise
b) The Second Continental Compromise
c) The Great Compromise
d) The 3/5ths Compromise

What was the name of the process in which the delegates of the Constitutional Convention had to get approval of the constitution from their home state?
a) Approval Process
b) The Federalist Papers Process
c) The Constitution Process
d) The Ratification Process

How many of the states had to approve the US Constitution in order for it to become law?
a) 9 out of 13
b) 13 out of 13
c) 12 out of 13
d) 6 out of 13

Under which president was the Federal Court System put in place?
a) Thomas Jefferson
b) James Monroe
c) George Washington
d) John Adams

Who was the first US president NOT to be reelected?
a) George Washington
b) John Adams
c) Alexander Hamilton
d) James Monroe

Which on of these individuals were NOT one of the first five presidents?
a) Thomas Jefferson
b) Andrew Jackson
c) John Adams
d) James Madison

Who is known as the Father of the Constitution? Hint: The fourth president of the United States
a) Thomas Jefferson
b) James Madison
c) George Washington
d) John Adams

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