Population Density Of Japan Question Preview (ID: 56114)

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Land suitable for growing crops.
a) Arable Land
b) Population Distribution
c) Megalopolis
d) Wetlands

A very large city.
a) Life Expectancy
b) Nuclear Family
c) Megalopolis
d) Habitat

Why is Japan's population density so high?
a) All the cities are up in the mountains.
b) The mountains take up available living space.
c) That's just how Japan was designed.
d) All the cities are so small.

What is the largest city in the world?
a) Osaka
b) Nagoya
c) Sapporo
d) Tokyo

What ocean borders Japan?
a) Atlantic
b) Southern
c) Pacific
d) Indian

Which of these countries is a neighbor to Japan?
a) United States
b) Russia
c) Australia
d) India

How many islands make up Japan?
a) 200
b) 1,800
c) 6,900
d) 12,400

Most cities in Japan are located...?
a) Up in the mountains
b) On the coast
c) Center of Island
d) Wetlands

A huge, destructive wave caused by an earthquake or a volcanic eruption.
a) Plate Tectonics
b) Subterranean
c) Archipelago
d) Tsunami

Japan has a much higher Life Expectancy than the United States?
a) True
b) False

In order to get a drivers license you have to be able to prove what...?
a) You have a job.
b) You have a car.
c) You have a place to park your car off the street.
d) You graduated high school.

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