Islamic World Test Question Preview (ID: 56110)

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Where does one travel to reach spiritual fullfillment?
a) Makkah
b) 'Merica
c) Madrid
d) Maine

Who is a substantional figure in Islamic culture
a) Gods
b) Muhammed
c) Genies
d) Sultans

What about Alladin is culturally insensitive to Islam?
a) Dialogue
b) Plot
c) Setting
d) Character depiction

Why did the 1001 Nights begin?
a) Mass killings of women
b) Scholarly Demand
c) Peaceful King
d) Need for Children's Stories

a) Praised Many Idols
b) Worshipped one God
c) Build Many Monuments
d) Hired Many Teachers

Muhammed warned his people about. . .
a) The Second Coming
b) Purgatory
c) The Good Place
d) The Bad Place

What is the Hijrah?
a) A Painting
b) A Mosque
c) The current year of the Muslim calendar
d) The first year of the Muslim calendar marked because of travel

Islamic Art includes. . .
a) Tableaus
b) Caligraphy, Geometric, and Arabesque Designs
c) Impressionist Art
d) Rennaissance Art

Muhammed used what to preach his word?
a) 10 Commandments
b) Bible
c) Quaran
d) Prophets

The Quaran forbids
a) eating pork, gambling, and drinking alcohol
b) socialization outside of the religion
c) education for girls
d) training for jobs outside of the religion

What cannot be seperated from Religion in Islamic society?
a) Values
b) Law
c) Medicine
d) Education

What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
a) Education, Morality, Guidance, Focus, Faith
b) Practice, Values, Strength, Courage, Honesty
c) Faith, Alms, Fasting, Pilgramage, and Prayer
d) Curiousity, Engagement, Forgiveness, Prayer, Faith

What tax paid for the rise of Hospitals in Islamic culture?
a) tax of middle class
b) tax of lower class
c) tax of upper class
d) Zakat tax

What are some themes seen in 1001 Nights?
a) Honesty and Forgivness
b) Love and Hope
c) Prayer and Faith
d) Exile and Betrayal

Islamic Architecture implements. . .
a) alters, congregations, choirs
b) many domes, prayer rooms, lack of a center
c) stain glass, arcs, high vaulted cielings
d) crown moulding, vibrant colors, 3d images

Design that shows one letter quite fancy-like. . .
a) Alliteration
b) Incantation
c) Illumination
d) Imagery

Why was Batutta traveling?
a) educational opportunity
b) to escape war
c) to find new trade routes
d) spiritual jounrey to spread Islamic culture

What time period have we been comparing the Islamic World to this week?
a) The Middle Ages
b) 19th Century
c) 20th Century
d) BCE

What is a frame narrative?
a) A story that is told through a painting
b) A story within a story
c) A story that has a square plotline
d) A story that is nonsensical

Another name for God is. . .
a) Annie
b) Allie
c) Allah
d) Angels

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