Unit 5 Lesson 11 Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 56106)

Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a person who works for another to learn a trade
a) expert
b) apprentice
c) mundane
d) rivalry

a person who has a lot of experience in a job or activity
a) harmony
b) tyranny
c) apprentice
d) expert

government where one ruler has total control
a) tyranny
b) democracy
c) stunning
d) expert

government where the people vote to choose a leader
a) convential
b) tyranny
c) democracy
d) harmony

unusual because of how good something is
a) convential
b) extraordinary
c) stunning
d) mundane

usual because of how typical something is
a) conventional
b) mundane
c) extraordinary
d) stunning

competition between people or groups
a) harmony
b) apprentice
c) stuning
d) rivalry

a) stunning
b) harmony
c) mundane
d) democracy

very surprising or beautiful
a) stunning
b) expert
c) mundane
d) tyranny

common or ordinary
a) rivalry
b) conventional
c) stunning
d) mundane

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