Unit 19: Oh, The Places You'll Go! Question Preview (ID: 56105)

Unit 19. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which word means by going through a particular place?
a) via
b) multiply
c) deviate
d) pentagon

Which word means to do something that is different or to be different from what is usual?
a) plural
b) deviate
c) via
d) certain

Which word means easy to see or notice?
a) via
b) nonagon
c) obvious
d) deviate

Which word means of or relating to cities and the people who live in them?
a) suburb
b) terrestrial
c) nonce
d) urban

Which word means a town or other area where people live in houses near a large city?
a) suburb
b) deviate
c) urban
d) certain

Which word means a person who lives in a suburb?
a) plural
b) suburbanite
c) urban
d) duet

Which word means relating to or occurring on Earth?
a) false
b) territory
c) terrestrial
d) pentagon

Which word means a particular type of land?
a) triathlon
b) terrestrial
c) offense
d) terrain

Which word means a reddish clay that is used for pottery and tiles?
a) terra-cotta
b) obvious
c) territory
d) motive

Which word means an area of land that is owned or claimed by a person or animal
a) monologue
b) territory
c) terra-cotta
d) terrain

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