AD2 - Review Question Preview (ID: 56103)

The Maori Sports Health Present Perfect Continuous. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the name of the war dance the Maori people used to perform before a battle?
a) The Hongi
b) The Haka
c) Ta Moko
d) New Zealand

Which of the following sentences is NOT correct?
a) Lucy has been doing jumping jacks for more than 10 minutes.
b) Chris has been learning Italian since he was 10.
c) Ryan and Beth has been talking to each other lately.
d) We have been working together for ages!

I've been living here ____ last year.
a) since
b) for
c) in
d) to

Gary ____ playing basketball for 1 hour. It's time to stop and have some rest!
a) have being
b) has been
c) have been
d) is being

What is the name of the island where the Maori live in?
a) New Zealand
b) Hawaii
c) Australia
d) Madagascar

What is the most important thing to do before doing physical activities in order to prevent injuries?
a) giving up of protective gear
b) seeing a doctor
c) talking to the other players
d) stretching and warming-up

How long have you been wearing glasses?
a) I've been wear glasses since 2 years.
b) You've been wearing glasses since 2 years.
c) I've been wearing glasses for 2 years.
d) You've being wear glasses for 2 years.

What is the name of the tattos the Maori people wear on their bodies?
a) The Haka
b) The Hongi
c) Ta Moko
d) All Blacks

How long _____ John been writing books?
a) does
b) has
c) have
d) will

Sarah had a very bad ____ last year. She broke her leg while playing soccer.
a) healthy
b) surgery
c) immobilization
d) injury

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