Atomic Structure Question Preview (ID: 56102)

Subatomic Particles And Atomic Structure. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which two subatomic particles create the atomic mass of an atom?
a) protons and electrons
b) electrons and neutrons
c) neutrons and protons
d) neutrons and valence

Which subatomic particle is located outside the nucleus?
a) electron
b) neutron
c) proton
d) megatron

If a proton and electron were on a seesaw, which one would go into the air?
a) electron
b) proton
c) neutron
d) megatron

Which subatomic particle has a positive charge?
a) megatron
b) electron
c) neutron
d) proton

Which subatomic particle has no charge or is neutral?
a) neutron
b) proton
c) megatron
d) electron

Which subatomic particle has a negative charge?
a) proton
b) neutron
c) electron
d) megatron

Which subatomic particle is used in determining the element?
a) proton
b) neutron
c) electron
d) valence electron

Which subatomic particle is used in determining the reactivity?
a) proton
b) neutron
c) electron
d) valence electron

The atomic number is equal to the number of __.
a) valence electrons
b) protons
c) neutrons
d) megatrons

The protons and neutrons together determine the ___.
a) atomic number
b) atomic readiness
c) atomic colors
d) atomic mass

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