Earth Science Review 2 Question Preview (ID: 56101)

Aug 2019 3. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which two processes formed marble?
a) heat and pressure
b) compaction and cementation
c) melting and solidification
d) precipitation and evaporation

Most marble is composed primarily of
a) quartz and/or potassium feldspar
b) calcite and/or dolomite
c) halite and/or olivine
d) pyroxene and/or plagioclase feldspar

The apparent shift in the direction of swing of a Foucault pendulum and the curving of winds by the Coriolis effect are both evidence of Earth’s
a) tilt
b) shape
c) rotation
d) revolution

6 In diagram A, the apparent shift of the path of the pendulum is shown at two-hour intervals for the fi rst eight hours of pendulum motion. During the eight hours, the pendulum’s path was displaced 60 degrees from where it started. How many degrees
a) 7.5°/h
b) 15°/h
c) 60°/h
d) 120°/h

Compared to the crust of the North American Plate, the crust of the Juan de Fuca Plate is
a) thicker and less dense
b) thicker and more dense
c) thinner and less dense
d) thinner and more dense

The boundary between the asthenosphere and the stiffer mantle is located below the Earth’s surface at a depth of approximately
a) 100 km
b) 700 km
c) 2500 km
d) 3000 km

The land area drained by the Oswego River and its tributaries is called a
a) delta
b) watershed
c) water table
d) floodplain

Which planet takes longer to complete one rotation on its axis than it does to complete one orbit of the Sun?
a) Mercury
b) Venus
c) Earth
d) Mars

Which motion is responsible for the apparent path of the Sun through the sky?
a) Earth’s rotation
b) Earth’s revolution
c) Sun’s rotation
d) Sun’s revolution

Most asteroids in our solar system are located in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. What is the approximate distance from the Sun to the asteroid belt?
a) 129 million km
b) 210 million km
c) 403 million km
d) 1103 million km

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