Earth Science Review Question Preview (ID: 56098)

Aug 2019. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The approximate age of the universe is estimated to be
a) 4.6 million years
b) 4.6 billion years
c) 13.8 million years
d) 13.8 billion years

The mass extinction of the dinosaurs, approximately 65.5 million years ago, is inferred by most scientists to have been caused by
a) a large energy surge from the surface of the Sun
b) the occurrence of a major ice age
c) an impact event occurring on Earth’s surface
d) earthquakes occurring along crustal plate boundaries

1 Water is returned from Earth’s surface to the atmosphere by
a) condensation and transpiration
b) condensation and precipitation
c) evaporation and transpiration
d) evaporation and precipitation

Which type of sediment sample normally has the greatest permeability rate?
a) unsorted pebbles
b) sorted pebbles
c) unsorted sand
d) sorted sand

The presence of which atmospheric condition will most likely result in clear skies in Binghamton, New York
a) high humidity
b) high-pressure center
c) increasing wind speed
d) dewpoint equal to air temperature

Which changes in air temperature and atmospheric pressure will normally be recorded by a weather balloon when it is released at Earth’s surface and rises through the troposphere?
a) ) a decrease in both air temperature and atmospheric pressure
b) ) a decrease in air temperature and an increase in atmospheric pressure
c) an increase in both air temperature and atmospheric pressure
d) an increase in air temperature and a decrease in atmospheric pressure

In the spring, when snow cover on the land melts, the water will most likely infiltrate Earth’s surface where that land surface is
a) still frozen with a steep slope
b) still frozen with a gentle slope
c) no longer frozen with a steep slope
d) no longer frozen with a gentle slope

Which gas is most effective in absorbing incoming harmful ultraviolet radiation in Earth’s stratosphere before that radiation reaches Earth’s surface?
a) ) nitrogen
b) hydrogen
c) oxygen
d) ozone

The major cause of monsoon rains in India and southeast Asia is seasonal
a) shifts in the prevailing wind belts
b) shifts in ocean currents
c) changes in the energy radiated from the Sun
d) changes in worldwide atmospheric temperatures

Oxygen in Earth’s early atmosphere was first produced during the Precambrian from
a) cyanobacteria in Earth’s oceans
b) volcanic activity along plate boundaries
c) volcanic activity along plate boundaries
d) evaporation of ocean water

Which life-form existed on Earth for the shortest period of time?
a) dinosaurs
b) trilobites
c) ammonoids
d) placoderm fish

During the late Silurian epoch, very salty seas extended from New York State to Michigan. These environmental conditions resulted in the formation of halite layers. At the same time, Eurypterus remipes lived in nearby environments. Both the halite la
a) large geographic area and in a short geologic time
b) large geographic area and in a long geologic time
c) small geographic area and in a short geologic time
d) small geographic area and in a long geologic time

Which surface ocean current transports cool water to lower latitudes?
a) ) Gulf Stream
b) Peru Current
c) West Greenland Current
d) East Australia Current

Which land surface characteristics produce the greatest amount of absorption of insolation at Earth’s surface?
a) dark color and rough texture
b) dark color and smooth texture
c) dark color and smooth texture
d) light color and smooth texture

The planetary surface winds and air currents near Earth’s equator are usually
a) converging and sinking
b) diverging and sinking
c) converging and rising
d) diverging and rising

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