Jolly Robin Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 56092)

Jolly Robin. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

being in the habit of
a) accustomed
b) disdainful
c) earnest
d) glimpse

get to know
a) aquaint
b) hoax
c) accustomed
d) bewilder

to confuse
a) bewilder
b) boisterous
c) glimpse
d) aquaint

rough or loud
a) boisterous
b) bewilder
c) earnest
d) disdain

scornful or mad at someone
a) disdainful
b) glimpse
c) hoax
d) accustomed

showing deep sincerity
a) earnest
b) boisterous
c) aquaint
d) accustomed

to get a brief view or look at something
a) glimpse
b) boisterous
c) disdainful
d) earnest

something (an event) intended to trick or deceive
a) hoax
b) accustom
c) bewilder
d) glimpse

to use or follow as a model
a) imitate
b) offensive
c) insult
d) wince

treat with great rudeness
a) insult
b) disdain
c) reprove
d) hoax

causing anger or displeasure
a) offensive
b) insult
c) startle
d) rouse

to induce to take a course of action
a) persuade
b) suspicious
c) unfortunate
d) boisterous

to voice disapprove of someone or something
a) reprove
b) rouse
c) insult
d) wince

to awaken
a) rouse
b) suspicious
c) hoax
d) imitate

to alarm, frighten or surprise
a) startle
b) bewilder
c) hoax
d) wince

to be sullenly withdrawn
a) sulk
b) disdain
c) suspicious
d) offensive

distrustful, thinking something might be up or happening behind the scenes
a) suspicious
b) rouse
c) sulk
d) boisterous

having undeserved bad luck
a) unfortunate
b) accustom
c) distainful
d) hoax

to draw back with fear or pain (usually a facial expression)
a) wince
b) rouse
c) startle
d) sulk

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