Meiosis Question Preview (ID: 56084)

Cell Division. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How does a sex cell differ from a body cell?
a) A sex cell has half the amount of chromosomes as a body cell
b) A sex cell does not contain chromosomes.
c) A sex cell has the same number of chromosomes as a body cell.

What type of cell is a sperm?
a) A body cell
b) A gamete
c) A cell about to go through mitosis

How does meiosis I differ from meiosis II?
a) The sister chromatids separate during meiosis I, but not during meiosis II.
b) The homologous chromosomes pair up during meiosis II, but not during meiosis
c) Two haploid cells are produced result of meiosis I, and four haploid cells are produced from meiosis II.

What do chromosomes do in meiosis but not in mitosis?
a) The homologous chromosomes form pairs.
b) Each chromosome makes a copy.
c) Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell.

How many cells are present at the end of meiosis I and then after meiosis II?
a) 1 and 4
b) 2 and 4
c) 1 and 2

Which is a product of mitosis?
a) Gametes
b) Sperm
c) Kidney cells

If a sexually reproducing organism has 50 chromosomes in its body cells, how many chromosomes did inherit from each parent?
a) 25
b) 50
c) 10

What is the longest stage of the cell cycle?
a) Interphase
b) Anaphase
c) Cytokinesis

What are the marshmallow shaped organelles that are responsible for making the spindles and moving chromosomes?
a) chromatin
b) centrioles
c) chromosomes

What process does a multicellular organism use to replace its damaged body cells?
a) Mitosis
b) Meiosis

What name is given to the division of the cytoplasm (and cell membrane, etc. to split the cell)?
a) Prophase
b) Interphase
c) Cytokinesis

What term defines a cell that contains 2 of EACH chromosome (46 total if human).
a) Diploid
b) Haploid

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