Weathering, Erosion, Deposition Question Preview (ID: 56083)

This Will Look At Forces That Shape The Earth's Surface. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

_____________________ happens when rocks on Earth's surface break apart or change without moving anywhere.
a) Weathering
b) Erosion
c) Deposition
d) Canyons

_____________________ is the movement of soil and rock by wind, water, ice, and gravity.
a) Weathering
b) Erosion
c) Deposition
d) Mountains

______________________ occurs when eroded materials stop moving and begin to build up.
a) Weathering
b) Erosion
c) Deposition

Eroded materials are called _______________________.
a) Pieces
b) Sediments
c) Dust
d) Limestone

_______________ moves material from one place to another.
a) Weathering
b) Erosion
c) Deposition
d) Sediment

A _____________________ is a wetland area that forms as river waters deposit sediment into a larger body of water.
a) Sand dune
b) Valley
c) Delta
d) Landslide

The Grand Canyon was mostly caused by _____________________ erosion from the Colorado River.
a) Water
b) Wind
c) Ice
d) Gravity

A fan-shaped area where a river meets the ocean is called a ____________. This is formed when sediment and rock is deposited at the end of the river.
a) Sand dune
b) Valley
c) Delta
d) Landslide

Erosion is one of the processes involved in the formation of sedimentary rock. Which of these describes the process of erosion?
a) Rocks are broken into smaller pieces that remain in the same location.
b) Pressure compacts layers of sediment and turns them into rock.
c) Pieces of rock or soil are carried from one place to another.
d) Sediment grains fall to the bottom of a lake to form sedimentary layers.

Which list contains only processes that must occur in order for fossil fuels to forms?
a) Formation of faults, burial, glacier formation
b) Organism growth, burial, volcanic eruptions
c) Organism growth, burial, compaction
d) Erosion, burial, earthquakes

All of these are related to the formation of oil or natural gas EXCEPT ...
a) decomposed animals
b) decayed plants
c) sedimentary rocks
d) active volcanoes

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