Chapter 11 Lesson 2- Rome As A Republic Question Preview (ID: 56080)

Review Of Main Ideas And Key Words. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who were the patricians in Rome?
a) the ruling class
b) the ordinary citizens
c) the slaves
d) the warriors

Who were the plebeians in Rome?
a) the ordinary citizens
b) the ruling class
c) the slaves
d) the warriors

What is a consul?
a) a device to play video games on
b) head of government, usually with a limited term in office
c) an elected official who protects the rights of ordinary citizens
d) government officials who interpret the law and serve as judges

Define veto
a) to reject
b) to vote
c) to tax
d) to elect

What were the praetors?
a) government officials who interpret the law and serve as judges
b) head of government, usually with a limited term in office
c) an elected official who protects the rights of ordinary citizens
d) a religious leader, who holds position in the government

What is a dictator?
a) a person granted absolute power
b) head of government, usually with a limited term in office
c) government officials who interpret the law and serve as judges
d) an elected official who protects the rights of ordinary citizens

What is the idea that citizens have a responsibility to help their country?
a) the draft
b) civic duty
c) veto rights
d) political duty

Why were Roman consuls awarded the power of the veto?
a) It prevented any one consul from becoming too powerful.
b) It prevented the praetors from becoming too powerful.
c) It prevented the plebeians from gaining control of the senate.
d) It prevented any one patrician from gaining too much power.

Is this fact or opinion: At first, patricians had more rights than plebeians.
a) Fact
b) Opinion
c) Farse
d) Fallacy

Why did Hannibal march his soldiers through Gaul and the Alps to attack Rome?
a) He wanted to surprise the Romans and catch them off-guard
b) He got lost marching from Spain.
c) He got delayed fighting the Gauls.
d) His navy was destroyed and he was forced to march over land.

What kinds of people were considered to be plebeians?
a) artisans, shopkeepers, small farmers, and the very poor
b) wealthy landowners, members of Rome's oldest and most prominent families
c) criminals, debtors, outcasts, and people sold off by their families
d) former consuls, tribunes, and praetors

What kinds of people were considered to be patricians?
a) artisans, shopkeepers, small farmers, and the very poor
b) wealthy landowners, members of Rome's oldest and most prominent families
c) criminals, debtors, outcasts, and people sold off by their families
d) former consuls, tribunes, and praetors

What was Rome's legislature called?
a) The Senate
b) The Republic
c) The House
d) The Tribunes

Which Roman dictator is George Washington often compared too?
a) Cincinnatus
b) Julius Caesar
c) Lucius Cornelius Sulla
d) Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus

What was Rome's first written code of laws?
a) The Twelve Tables
b) Hammurabi's Code
c) The Ten Commandents
d) The Magna Carta

How many Punic Wars were there?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

What was the outcome of the Punic Wars?
a) Carthage was destroyed and Rome took control of the Mediterranean region.
b) Rome was destroyed and Carthage took control of the Mediterranean region.
c) Hannibal marched his army over the Alps and attacked Rome.
d) All of Greece fell under Rome's control by 140 BCE.

Where did Scipio finally defeat the Carthaginian army?
a) Battle of Zama
b) Battle of Thermopylae
c) Battle of Cannae
d) Battle of Granicus

Why did Carthage want to control Spain?
a) Spain had valuable resources of silver, copper, gold, lead, and iron.
b) Spain was an ideal location to launch future attacks against Rome from.
c) Spain had valuable resources of timber, gold, wheat, olives.
d) Spain had better farmland and better harbors for trade.

What did Roman officials carry as a symbol of legal authority?
a) a bundle of rods and axes called fasces
b) a bundle of scrolls and robes dyed purple
c) a small copy of the Twelve Tables
d) a scepter and wore a crown made of olive branches

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