Module 28 - Moon Phases And Eclipses Question Preview (ID: 56079)

Moon Phases And Eclipses. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is this setup trying to model?

a) The Solar system
b) A Full moon phase
c) A Lunar eclipse
d) A Solar eclipse

What causes the phases of the Moon as observed from Earth?
a) The Earth casts a shadow that causes a monthly pattern in how much of the Moon we can see.
b) The shadow of the Earth blocks part of the Moon as it revolves around Earth.
c) The Moon grows a little bigger each day until it is full then gets smaller. This cycle repeats each month.
d) Parts of the Moon reflect light depending on the position of Earth in relation to the Sun and Moon as it orbits the Earth.

When the Moon is in the position at the top of this image, how would the Moon look to an observer on Earth according to this model?

a) Letter A - Waxing crescent
b) Letter B - Waxing gibbous
c) Letter C - Waning crescent
d) Letter D - Waning gibbous

At which of the following positions would the Earth most likely experience a total lunar eclipse according to this model?

a) Position A
b) Position B
c) Position C
d) Position D

Which number represents the position of the Moon when a man on Earth observes a waning crescent moon?

a) Number 8
b) Number 4
c) Number 2
d) Number 6

Joe created a model to explain why the Moon has phases during his science class. He numbered the Moon's in order of their revolution around Earth. At which of the following locations would Joe be modeling a waning gibbous Moon phase?

a) Number 6
b) Number 4
c) Number 8
d) Number 2

Which of the following explanations should Susan use to explain to her friend where the last quarter moon phase is in her model?

a) The last quarter moon phase is at location 7 because the right side of the moon is illuminated from Earth.
b) The last quarter moon phase is at location 7 because the left side of the moon is illuminated from Earth.
c) The last quarter moon phase is at location 1 because the right side of the moon is illuminated from Earth.
d) The last quarter moon phase is at location 5 because the left side of the moon is illuminated from Earth.

Which of the following most accurately describing the Moon phase Mrs. Shaw is modeling to her class?

a) New moon phase because none of the illuminated side of the Moon is facing Earth.
b) Full moon phase because all of the illuminated side of the Moon is facing Earth.
c) 1st quarter moon phase because half of the illuminated side of the Moon is facing Earth.
d) Last moon phase because half of the illuminated side of the Moon is facing Earth.

Which of the following statements about the Moon is FALSE?
a) The Moon rotates and revolves at the same rate.
b) Earth always sees the same side of the Moon.
c) Moon light is actually light reflected off the Moon from the Sun.
d) The motions of the Moon has little effect on Earth.

Using the image provided, which Moon phase is next?

a) New Moon
b) Waning Crescent
c) Last Quarter
d) Waxing Gibbous

Which of the following BEST explains what would be observed on Earth when the Earth-Sun-Moon are in these positions?

a) Full Moon phase and a solar eclipse
b) Full Moon phase and a lunar eclipse
c) New Moon phase and a solar eclipse
d) New Moon phase and a lunar eclipse

Which of the following positions of the Earth-Sun-Moon would experience experience a solar eclipse?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

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