Geometry Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 56071)

Students Will Match 5th Grade Geometry Vocabulary Words With Their Definitions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

An angle that is more than 90 degrees BUT less than 180 degrees
a) Right Angle
b) Acute Angle
c) Obtuse Angle
d) Isosceles Triangle

A triangle with at least two congruent sides
a) Scalene Triangle
b) Isosceles Triangle
c) Equilateral Triangle
d) Acute Triangle

6 sided polygon
a) Pentagon
b) Octagon
c) Quadrilateral
d) Hexagon

An angle that is less than 90 degrees
a) Acute Angle
b) Right Angle
c) Obtuse Angle
d) Triangle

A closed, 2-dimensional figure with straight sides
a) Pentagon
b) Parallelogram
c) Polygon
d) Perpendicular

Same size and shape
a) Equilateral
b) Congruent
c) Polygon
d) Triangle

Lines that form right angles
a) Perpendicular Lines
b) Parallel Lines
c) Octagon
d) Polygon

An angle that is 90 degrees
a) Triangle
b) Obtuse Angle
c) Acute Angle
d) Right Angle

5 sided polygon
a) Octagon
b) Hexagon
c) Pentagon
d) Polygon

A parallelogram with all sides congruent
a) Rectangle
b) Rhombus
c) Parallelogram
d) Trapezoid

A quadrilateral with 2 sets of parallel sides
a) Parallelogram
b) Trapezoid
c) Pentagon
d) Polygon

A parallelogram with 4 right angles
a) Trapezoid
b) Square
c) Paralleogram
d) Rectangle

A four-sided polygon
a) Triangle
b) Quadrilateral
c) Hexagon
d) Pentagon

Lines that never intersect
a) Two-dimensional Figure
b) Perpendicular Lines
c) Parallel Lines
d) Rhombus

8 sided polygon
a) Pentagon
b) Quadrilateral
c) Hexagon
d) Octagon

A flat figure with both length and width
a) Two-dimensional Figure
b) Circle
c) Square
d) Octagon

A quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides
a) Square
b) Parallelogram
c) Trapezoid
d) Polygon

A parallelogram with 4 right angles and all sides congruent
a) Rectangle
b) Square
c) Rhombus
d) Trapezoid

A triangle with no congruent sides
a) Scalene Triangle
b) Isosceles Triangle
c) Equilateral Triangle
d) Hexagon

A triangle with 3 congruent sides
a) Scalene Triangle
b) Right Triangle
c) Obtuse Triangle
d) Equilateral Triangle

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