Parts Of Speech Question Preview (ID: 56069)

Choose The Correct Part Of Speech For Each Capitalized Word. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

I always go to the PARK on the weekends.
a) noun
b) verb
c) adjective
d) adverb

On COLD winter days, I love to have a cup of hot chocolate.
a) adverb
b) adjective
c) noun
d) verb

How many hot dogs did your friend HAVE yesterday?
a) noun
b) preposition
c) verb
d) adverb

Roger Bannister finished the mile very QUICKLY in 1954.
a) verb
b) adjective
c) adverb
d) preposition

Her father flies to many countries in the world because HE is a pilot.
a) pronoun
b) preposition
c) noun
d) adjective

My sister is VERY smart. She got an A on all of her tests.
a) adjective
b) verb
c) adverb
d) preposition

Western Australia is the largest state IN Australia.
a) adverb
b) adjective
c) pronoun
d) preposition

July is my FAVORITE month of the year.
a) adjective
b) adverb
c) noun
d) pronoun

Stewart can speak German VERY well because he lived in Germany for a year.
a) adjective
b) adverb
c) noun
d) preposition

I don't think the test was hard. In fact, I think it WAS quite easy
a) verb
b) adverb
c) adjective
d) preposition

Dinosaurs were very large, and they lived million of YEARS ago.
a) preposition
b) noun
c) adjective
d) verb

He drove his car very slowly DOWN the mountain road.
a) adjective
b) verb
c) preposition
d) pronoun

These flowers are very BEAUTIFUL. How much do they cost?
a) preposition
b) verb
c) adverb
d) adjective

I saw a dog on the side of the road. IT was brown.
a) adjective
b) preposition
c) pronoun
d) verb

Please remember to finish your HOMEWORK.
a) verb
b) noun
c) pronoun
d) preposition

I USUALLY study in the library for an hour after class.
a) preposition
b) verb
c) noun
d) adverb

My mom is the best. SHE always buys me such thoughtful gifts.
a) preposition
b) noun
c) pronoun
d) verb

Please pour me a glass OF milk to go with my dinner.
a) noun
b) verb
c) adjective
d) preposition

What language do most people SPEAK in Brazil?
a) noun
b) adjective
c) verb
d) adverb

What is that SMELL coming from the back room?
a) noun
b) verb
c) adverb
d) adjective

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