Weather Games Question Preview (ID: 56066)

Meteorology Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Puffy cloud type that brings fair weather
a) cumulus
b) stratus
c) cirrus

gray covering sky
a) stratus
b) cumulus
c) cirrus

thin, wispy clouds that bring fair weather
a) cirrus
b) cumulus
c) stratus

nimbus prefix
a) storm prefix
b) fair weather prefix
c) high altitude prefix

Steps in the water cycle
a) evaporation, condensation, precipitation
b) condensation, precipitation, evaporation
c) evaporation, precipitation, condensation

What sleet and freezing rain have in common?
a) freeze, melt and re-freeze before hitting the ground
b) remain frozen from atmosphere to ground
c) freeze and thaw before hitting the ground

high air pressure
a) fair weather condition
b) poor weather condition
c) humidity is high

stationary front
a) two fronts pushing against each other in opposite directions and stalling
b) leading edge of a warm air mass
c) two air masses side by side moving in the same direction

warm front
a) leading edge of a warm air mass
b) two air masses going in opposite direction
c) two air masses moving into the same area at the same time

occluded front
a) two air masses moving together in the same area at the same time
b) two air masses moving in opposite directions
c) leading edge of a warm air mass

What is rain?
a) Frozen precipitation that melts before falling to the earth
b) Frozen precipitation that completely melts and then refreezes before hitting earth
c) Frozen precipitation that remains frozen from cloud to ground

What is snow?
a) Frozen precipitation that remains frozen from cloud to ground
b) Frozen precipitation only slightly melts and then refreezes into a rain, snow mix before falling
c) Frozen precipitation that completely melts and then refreezes before hitting earth

Typical rate of rain to snow
a) 1 inch of rain to 10 inches of snow
b) 1 inch of rain to 5 inches of snow
c) 1 inch of rain to 2 inches of snow

What is humidity?
a) Amount of moisture in the air
b) Temperature of the air over time
c) Average air pressure

Which of these does not create Earth's winds?
a) Wind energy turbines
b) Changes in air pressure
c) Global spinning of Earth
d) Air temperature

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