ELA Vocabulary (6th Grade)-Weeks 33-34 Question Preview (ID: 56064)

Vocabulary Practice. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which term means seven?
a) quint
b) poly
c) sept
d) plur

Which term means half?
a) hemi/semi
b) verse/vert
c) vit/viv
d) manu

Which term means to go back?
a) grad/gress
b) deplete
c) verse/vert
d) fort

Which term means strong?
a) sept
b) grad/gress
c) concise
d) fort

Which term means to step?
a) verse/vert
b) fort
c) grad/gress
d) manu

Which term means to stick to something?
a) verse/vert
b) divulge
c) adhere
d) hoax

Which term means a careless mistake?
a) provoke
b) blunder
c) hoax
d) drastic

Which term means an act that is meant to trick or deceive?
a) hoax
b) blunder
c) hemi/semi
d) capacity

Which term means the amount something can hold?
a) grad/gress
b) adhere
c) capacity
d) provoke

Which term means to cause someone to become angry?
a) adhere
b) blunder
c) hoax
d) provoke

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