Suffixes UPDATED Question Preview (ID: 56061)

Matching Suffixes With Their Definitions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the definition of the suffix -ate?
a) cause or make
b) relating to, place where
c) kill
d) state, condition, or quality

What is the definition of the suffix -ary?
a) of, pertaining to, characterized by
b) full of or having
c) can be done
d) relating to, place where

What is the definition of the suffix -cide?
a) act, state, or quality
b) kill
c) can be done
d) full of or having

What is the definition of the suffix -cy or -acy?
a) kill
b) relating to, place where
c) state, condition, or quality
d) cause or make

What is the definition of the suffix -ory?
a) of pertaining to, characterized by
b) full of or having
c) can be done
d) act, state, or quality

What is the definition of the suffix -ous, -eous, or -ious?
a) act of, state of, result of
b) cause or make
c) full of or having
d) kill

What is the definition of the suffix --able or -ible?
a) state or quality of
b) can be done
c) full of or having
d) of, pertaining to, characterized by

What is the definition of the suffix -ence or -ance?
a) cause or make
b) relating to, place where
c) full of or having
d) act, state, or quality

What is the definition of the suffix -ion or -sion?
a) act of, state of, result of
b) can be done
c) cause or make
d) kill

What is the definition of the suffix -ty or -ity?
a) can be done
b) full of or having
c) state or quality of
d) cause or make

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