Summer Of The Monkeys Vocab Question Preview (ID: 56051)

Words And Definitions From The Book. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

to cry out with harsh sound; scream
a) jarring
b) slough
c) milling
d) squall

a farmer who gives a share of their crops to the owner for rent
a) squall
b) milling
c) sharecropper
d) slough

moving around in a circular, up and down manner
a) milling
b) jarring
c) slough
d) squall

a depression or hollow, usually filled with deep mud
a) sharecropper
b) squall
c) slough
d) jarring

making or causing a harsh and irritating sound
a) slough
b) sharecropper
c) milling
d) jarring

Every time a tree snapped, he would look straight at my hiding place and ___________.
a) milling
b) jarring
c) squall
d) slough

They were unhappy, too; because in those days, being a ______________ was just about as bad as being a hog thief.
a) slough
b) sharecropper
c) jarring
d) squall

The little monkeys were __________ around everywhere.
a) milling
b) jarring
c) slough
d) squall

It was cool and shady along the banks of the __________ that emptied into the river.
a) squall
b) slough
c) sharecropper
d) jarring

I was sound asleep when the storm broke and I was awakened by an earth-___________ clap of thunder that all but turned my bed over.
a) jarring
b) milling
c) squall
d) slough

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