World Music Unit Test Question Preview (ID: 56050)

This Test Is The Final Assessment For Asian, West African, And Latin American Music. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is synocpation?
a) When the rhythm and the beat do not line up.
b) When many instruments play together.
c) The leader of the group.
d) When the beat goes very quickly.

What is the name of the largest festival in Brazil?
a) Mardi Gras
b) Carnival
c) Brazil Day
d) Christmas

What are traditional folk songs called in Japanese?
a) Minions
b) Taiko
c) Minyo
d) Konnichiwa

What is a Pentatonic Scale?
a) A Major Scale
b) A 4 beat rythms
c) An acapella group.
d) A 5 note scale.

What is a Djembefola?
a) A big drum.
b) A group of musicians.
c) An expert in the art of playing djembe.
d) A style of music.

Latin American music is the result of the mixture of which cultures?
a) African
b) European
c) Native American
d) All of the above

Where does the djembe drum come from?
a) Asia
b) Africa
c) Latin America

Where does the Shamisen come from?
a) Japan
b) Mexico
c) Guinea

Where do the Claves come from?
a) China
b) Cambodia
c) Cuba

The Balafon from West Africa is most like what other instrument?
a) A drum
b) A xylophone
c) A guitar

Which one of these instruments is NOT from Cambodia?
a) Chhing
b) Roneat
c) Sralai
d) Taiko

Which one of these instruments comes from China?
a) Guzheng
b) Balafon
c) Bongo Drums
d) Guitar

What is the Japanese word for a drum?
a) Taiko
b) Tika-tika
c) Dun Dun
d) Drum

Which one of these instruments can be found in the music of Brazil?
a) Djembe
b) Tror
c) Cuica
d) Shekere

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