BJU Life Science Ch 15 And 16 Transport And Control Question Preview (ID: 56045)

Review Of The Human Body's Transport And Control Systems. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The vocal cords are located inside ....?
a) esophagus
b) larynx
c) pharynx
d) trachea

Which structure, also known as the windpipe, is the main passageway to your lungs?
a) esophagus
b) larynx
c) pharynx
d) trachea

The two air passages that lead to each lung are called
a) alveoli
b) bronchi
c) trachea
d) windpipes

The microscopic structures in the lungs where gases are exchanged with blood vessels are called
a) alveoli
b) bronchi
c) tracheae
d) windpipes

When your diaphragm contracts,
a) you inhale
b) you exhale
c) you inhale and your chest cavity enlarges
d) you exhale and your chest cavity enlarges.

What is the average number of heartbeats per minute for a normal person?
a) 17
b) 70
c) 700
d) 7000

The muscular chambers that pump blood to the lungs or body are the
a) atria
b) aortas
c) valves
d) ventricles

The smallest blood vessels in your body are the
a) arteries
b) aorta
c) capillaries
d) veins

The blood vessels that return blood to the heart are called
a) arteries
b) aortas
c) capillaries
d) veins

What is the purpose of valves?
a) to allow blood to flow away from the heart.
b) to allow blood to travel to and from the lungs.
c) to prevent blood from flowing in the wrong direction.
d) to pump blood in the right direction.

Most blood cells are formed in the
a) bone marrow
b) heart
c) pancreas
d) plasma

What is the job of platelets?
a) to defend against bacteria and viruses
b) to form blood clots
c) to carry blood cells as the blood flows through the blood vessels
d) to carry oxygen

How long does it take for your plasma to make one complete trip through your circulatory system?
a) seventy times per minute
b) one minute
c) thirty minutes
d) three to four months

Which of the following are transported in blood plasma?
a) food, minerals, and hormones
b) lymph nodes
c) oxygen and carbon dioxide
d) sweat and urine

Which of the following is part of the body's nonspecific defense?
a) an antibody
b) a B cell
c) fever
d) a lymphocyte

A vaccine produces _______________ immunity.
a) Active
b) memory
c) passive
d) resistance

Signals from your brain or spinal cord to muscles and other parts of your body are carried by
a) cerebral neurons
b) interneurons
c) motor neurons
d) sensory neurons

Which part of the brain is the largest?
a) cerebellum
b) brain stem
c) cerebrum
d) spinal cord

Which structure of the eye bends light and focuses an upside-down image?
a) cornea
b) lens
c) iris
d) retina

An infection in your semicircular canals would most likely affect your
a) hearing
b) sight
c) balance
d) taste

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