Spelling Review 1 Question Preview (ID: 56043)

Reviews Spelling In Context Of Sentence. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Time _______ is very important.
a) manigement
b) managment
c) management
d) managgment

Coach H. wouldn't let us leave gym class until someone _______ spilling water.
a) admitid
b) admited
c) admitted
d) atmitted

Mannie went to detention because he dropped a stink _______ in the cafeteria.
a) bomme
b) bomb
c) bome
d) bom

I hope you are _______ to attend my party!
a) abil
b) able
c) abel
d) aybel

Did you _______ your report card in the mail?
a) receeve
b) receave
c) receive
d) receieve

We had a very _______ time on the field trip.
a) memorable
b) memrible
c) memorible
d) memoryable

I had to _______ a poem for English class.
a) resight
b) resite
c) recite
d) reccite

My younger sister is in _______.
a) preskool
b) pressool
c) presskool
d) preschool

I've always wanted to take _______ lessons.
a) swimin'
b) swiming
c) swimming
d) swamming

Hot peppers are bad for my _______ system.
a) dijestive
b) digestive
c) digestiv
d) dijustive

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